Chapter 25

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Louis and Harry had stopped not far from the gates of Olympus. But they sat with their backs to the mountain and talked as they watched the ocean caress the shore in the distance, and the wind danced through trees and wild grasses.

Harry was snuggled into Louis' chest, Louis kept his arm around the demigod, tracing circles on his bicep. Occasionally Louis would press a kiss to Harry's head, they spoke a little. But mostly they just sat in silence, holding onto the other.

"I love you Harry." It was whispered when Louis pressed his lips against Harry's forehead. Louis continued to press kisses to every part of Harry he could reach. Which wasn't much but he didn't ever want Harry to have to wonder about where his heart was.

" I love you too." Louis was caught nearly off guard at Harry's quiet, but the certain response. Louis could feel the huge, goofy smile on his face. The man he loved, loved him too.

"You're like the sun, Louis. You light my path. Without you, I think my life would be in darkness still."

"What's this? I didn't know you were a poet?" Louis was trying not to blush, but his heart was pounding. Harry turned to look at him more directly.

"I mean it, Lou. The gods, they cover everything in gold leaf. It's beautiful, but only from a distance. Because the closer you get the easier it is to see that it's just a facade. They gild their crumbling and rusting homes in hopes of hiding how they're falling apart inside too. But you." Harry shook his head incredulously. "Louis, you're golden. Through and through. And I love you."

Louis was probably going to cry, he wanted to say thank you but his voice just wouldn't cooperate. So he leaned in and thanked him in the only way he felt like he could. He kissed Harry. He kissed him slowly. Kissed him in a way that begged to be remembered.

And Harry kissed him too. 

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