Chapter 20

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Louis was sitting on the edge of the bed, shirt only pulled over his head and one arm through a sleeve. That was when Harry realized it was his shirt that Louis was halfway into. His hair was ruffled, bags under his pretty blue eyes. He was engrossed in the book he was holding the undressed arm. Harry just smiled for a minute while he watched Louis flip to the next page, the look of concentration emphasized by the way he pressed his lips together.

"That's my shirt Lou," Harry tried not to laugh when Louis startled to his feet, book clattering to the floor, shirt still only halfway on.

"Do you want it back?" Lous smirked to cover his own blush but enjoyed watching Harry's face as he cleared his throat.

"Only if I can take it off of you," Harry slapped a hand over his own mouth, and Louis' eyes popped. Harry started to giggle which immediately sent Louis into peels of laughter, he was rolling across the bed. Harry slid down the wall, tears in his eyes while he laughed. Gemma peaked into the room but didn't ask, just left them to their cacophony.

"I'm so sorry," Harry snorted, sending Louis into another fit of giggles.

"I can't believe you said that," Louis finally sat back up on the bed, pulling the shirt completely onto his lean frame.

"Can I sit with you?" Harry was still leaning back against the wall, tracing circles on the floor.

"Yeah, are you gonna try to steal my shirt?" Louis moved over, and Harry sat close to him on the edge of the bed, nervously pulling at his fingers.

"No, I did have a question for you though."

"Yeah, what's wrong Hazza?"

"Nothing, nothing, I just," Harry looked at Louis hoping the right words would come to him. "Would you ever consider living on Olympus?"

"Hm," Louis turned his body so his back was against the bed's headboard. "I wouldn't say never." The boy stretched his legs out, they didn't quite reach Harry at the end of the bed.

"But, you wouldn't be happy? Would you?"

"Harry," Louis sighed and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. "Would you ever consider being mortal? That's all I've ever wanted. So, no,I don't think I would be very happy on Olympus with the gods. I know you've always been content with them but-"

"I'd consider mortality if I could spend it with you."

Louis didn't move. Harry wasn't sure he was even breathing. Louis just stared at his still hands. Harry watched, unmoving, as Louis lifted his head.

"I shouldn't have- I'm sorry Louis, I didn't-"

"Don't say you didn't mean it. You meant it, didn't you?"

"Yeah," Harry swallowed nervously.

"I'd live on Mount Olympus forever if I could be there with you Harry." Harry knelt on the bed to face Louis, who had also climbed to his knees.

"Louis," Harry reached out to the boy in front of him, catching it face in his hand. Louis kissed his palm. "Louis, I've never loved anyone before. But I think I might love you." Louis pulled Harry closer to him.

"Harry, I know I love you."

Mortal, But At Least I'm FreeWhere stories live. Discover now