Chapter 24

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"You don't need to be so agitated Louis. Apollo is all talk," Harry was doing his best to smooth Louis' disquieted mood.

"I don't like him, and I don't like what he did to you."

"I know love, I know." Harry let Louis talk until he'd blustered himself out with his frustrations and concerns about Apollo.

"Why did you grab that water in town Harry?" It was the first thing Louis had said that didn't involve him being angry at the gods, so Harry couldn't help smiling.

"For Prometheus."


"I promised him I'd bring him some water on my way back."

"Hmm," Louis didn't have more to say about that apparently. Harry didn't think it was particularly important, so he just shrugged it off and kept walking.

It didn't feel as long coming back as it had felt going. Harry was almost dreading losing the sight of beautiful fields, not to mention the view of the ocean from here. It reminded him of Louis. He thought it always would. But the view didn't last, and Harry was suddenly guiding Louis off the beaten path to the sound of Prometheus talking to what audibly seemed to be a very sad woman.

They stepped through into Prometheus' clearing to find him talking painfully with Demeter. Who was, of course, upset about Persephone's absence and the on coming winter. She was loudly protesting the death of her gardens, forests, and animals. It was actually kind of touching to see how much she valued the thriving lives that surrounded her. Harry hadn't thought of it that way before.

"Ah, you've come back with water for me, I'm surprised," Prometheus greeted Harry with a smile when the two newcomers were spotted.

"I had to keep my promise. How are you feeling?"

"Better with a little water, thank you," Harry poured small amounts of water into the suffering man's mouth.

"Dee, how are you? I'm sorry to hear about Persephone," when Harry turned to address the goddess he found she was staring daggers at Louis, who was looking away shyly.

"Why have you brought this, this demon with you?" Oh. Harry had nearly forgotten.

"I'm really sorry about taking your daughter back to Hades, ma'am. But she did want to come with me so," Louis shrugged and stepped a little further away from the bristling mother and behind Harry.

"Demeter, calm down. Louis' with me."

"I don't want him here."

"Well you're going to have to deal with it Aunt Dee, because it's like I said. He's with me. And it's staying like that," if looks could kill Louis would be dead and it was making Harry increasingly uncomfortable. "Please, he's been kind to me. And, well, I love him Dee."

Demeter sighed, looked at Harry and offered a single nod. He'd take what he could get.

"How was your quest? Did you find your sister?" Prometheus was breathing more softly now than Harry had ever seen him.

"Um, yeah. I did find her. But, she, uh, didn't want to come back with me. But I did meet her. She, she's just lovely. I think she might be my best friend," Harry couldn't stop smiling now. Louis liked to see it.

"So what's the plan then young Harold?" There was rattling in Prometheus' chest now. Harry wasn't sure he wanted to witness his end again.

"I'm not entirely sure. But I know I want to be with Louis." Harry smiled shyly, Louis blushed and swallowed nervously.

"Best of luck to you both," Prometheus winked, and closed his eyes as his breathing slowed. Demeter looked with pity at them, and shook her head sighing.

"As the goddess of fertility I can't do very much for you. But you both have my blessing. And I'll be on Olympus do so what I can for you." And with that Demeter was gone.

It felt ominous, and not very promising at all to have a goddess leave her blessing that way. Louis scowled, Harry bit his lip and they bid farewell to Prometheus. Louis took Harry's hand and held on tightly.

"Harry I'm really proud of you."

"What for?" Harry looked at Louis confused. What had he done that was worth being proud of?

"You kept your promise to Prometheus. And Prometheus is especially disliked among the gods because of his fondness for mortals. I guess I hadn't expected you to be so open and kind to him. And, it just feels like you've come a long way from the man who disliked mortals so much he'd do anything to set himself above them. I don't know. I'm just...proud of you." Louis smiled through his lowered eyelashes and Harry blushed at his praise.

"Thanks." Harry wanted to say more but he just didn't know how. For a money he just let himself enjoy being with the one he loved and left his mind to wander as it put together the pieces of his heart that he wanted to share.

"Louis, I always want to make you proud. I hope I can always make you proud. But, I guess I hope you'll tell me when I don't too." Louis squeezed Harry's hand twice, and kissed his knuckles.

"I'll always be proud of you Harry."

"Will you always want me?" Harry hadn't intended to ask but he had so he had to wait for Louis to answer now. Louis slowed his steps and turned to look at Harry.

"It's always going to be you Harry. Anyone else would be a waste of my time. It's always you. Forever."

Harry tried not to smile like he'd owned the world, but he might as well have. Louis was his. And Louis felt like his whole world. 

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