Chapter 6

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It was time to get something to eat.

Harry wandered the town watching the mortals interact. It was uncomfortable again. This entire journey so far was making him feel a weird discontent that he couldn't find a word for. But, he found a table at a restaurant where he could watch the people.

He paid for whatever it was they were bringing him and ate mindlessly.

Gigi was down the street talking animatedly with what must have been her friends. It looked like she might have gotten engaged. Her boyfriend was watching her from the other side of the road with a soft look in his eyes.

Meanwhile there was an elderly couple talking with some small children outside a potter's shop. A mother helping her crying daughter. A young man shouting at someone who seemed to be a brother or a friend. In the shadows were families in rags. He could see petty thieves casing the shops, sending signals to each other. There was so much bad, but he couldn't deny the good he was seeing.

"Yeah, I'm going to get her right now. I've got the pomegranate seeds and everything. But what does a drink or two hurt right? I needed some time with the boys!" Something about that attitude really sent Harry into an unexpected frenzy.

He turned around, spotted the speaker and lunged.

"Oi! Bugger off!"

Harry's hands scrambled haphazardly as he snatched the handful of pomegranate seeds and stuffed them into his mouth. And swallowed.

And then a fist connected with his face.

Mortal, But At Least I'm FreeWhere stories live. Discover now