Chapter 1

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Being a known son of Aphrodite had its perks. While Harry lounged in the marble and gilded halls the world seemed made for him. Servants to the gods doted on him. He never needed to lift a finger. He wanted for nothing. He didn't even need to walk anywhere when there were servants clamoring to carry him and all his amenities around. It was a luxurious life to be sure.

But it was dreadfully boring.

And totally devoid of real connection. If Harry was just being selfish then he was only becoming more like the gods. They were, after all, tremendously petty. Everyone still talks about Prometheus. Not to mention the whole Troy debacle.

So yeah, the gods weren't Harry's favorite group of people. But they were nice to him. They let him do what he wanted. Usually.

And Harry didn't want to de cliche by saying that he felt something was "missing" from his life. But he did feel like he lacked purpose. Direction.

Maybe that was a lie mortals told themselves. That they needed to live a fulfilling life. And the last thing Harry wanted was to be anything like mortals. They were clingy. They were always working for some impossible accomplishment, just to lose it all at the hands of their frivolous, game playing gods. Now that was even worse than his lackadaisical existence.

Trumpets and unbearable fanfare sounded, interrupting Harry's lazy musings. It must be Apollo. He was the only one of the gods who felt so insecure as to necessitate announcing their presence. Harry rolled his eyes and closed them in hopes that it would close off the incessant noise that always followed Apollo.

"Harry!" Apollo's grating voice called out to him. Harry opened his eyes to see the golden boy descending upon him in all his glory.

"Apollo. Hello."

"Always such a level headed fellow, tell me Harry, are up for an adventure?"

Harry eyed him skeptically.

"I'm not up for trouble. What kind of adventure?" Laughing Apollo slapped him on the back as he settled into the cushions surrounding Harry and his lackeys.

"There's a town,  just a days chariot ride away, where the most beautiful men and women live. I was thinking of going to enjoy myself. COme on, have a little fun with a friend," Apollo accepted the crystal glass filled with golden liquid as he awaited Harry's response.

"Apollo, I know mortals are of little use to us, but should you really be using them like this? THey'll be lost without you."

"THey'll worship me. I can't help if they get lost along the way."

"Honestly, Apollo, you really think I'd want to come?"

"I was hoping you'd join in the fun," Apollo winked. "Let me know what you decide," and he left in one fluid motion, leaving Harry to still his rapidly racing heart and hide the blush that was creeping out from under his open collar.

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