Chapter 12

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Artemis had come back with their clothes, Louis complained, but both men got dressed without speaking. Harry was now wearing a white, long sleeved, blouse with an open neck, over dark green, wide legged pants. He wasn't so sure about them, but it was comfortable. Louis was dressed in black, close fitting pants, with a blue sweater. Harry could only think that it was going to be really hot. But Louis didn't seem to mind.

"Come and eat boys," Artemis gestured for them to sit around a small, but strong, burning fire. She served them bowls of something hot, and that was all either of them cared about. The only sounds were the crackling fire and the scrape of spoon on bowl.

"So, have you found what you're hunting for?" Artemis looked at them expectantly.

"I'm on a quest."

"I'm taking someone to their death, I wouldn't call it hunting."

Both men had talked over each other and now avoided eye contact nervously.

"I'm a goddess of the hunt, protectress of the weak, and the embodiment of liberty. You're both hunting something. Although, I'm not sure either of you know what it is you're looking for yet," Artemis sighed and added wood to the fire.

Harry was sure he was hunting for his sister. Hunting for family, right? Was hunting the right word though?

"I, I think I'm looking for whatever I'm missing," Harry watched Artemis smile.

"That's very intuitive, young man. What about you demon?" Louis cleared his throat, keeping his eyes fastened to the dirt between his bare feet.

"I know what I'm looking for, Artemis. Freedom."

"But do you know what that really looks like?"

Louis looked up at her now, frustration and concentration on his face and in his eyes.

"I just want to live. Really live Artemis."

"What does it mean to live, messenger of Hades? Explain to me what you think you're looking for."

"I want the freedom that comes with mortality. To discover who you are, who you'll love, and then to be brave enough to fight for that. I want to be free of my brands, and I want to live desperately. Fearlessly."

"Do you think you're brave enough? That's a hard thing. Not even the gods are able to live that way."

"They never could. Mortals have always been more capable of genuine, defenseless love. But you already knew that." Louis was getting aggitated in their discussion.

"So you want to be mortal because you want to fall in love?" Harry interrupted now and both demon and goddess looked at the demigod sitting between them. "Can't immortals fall in love too?"

"Harry, how many gods have fallen in love and stayed that way?" Artemis inquired. He looked away, sighing heavily.

"Maybe I don't want to live with the gods anymore." Harry stood up and walked away.

Louis looked at Artemis, and while neither of them liked the other, they shared a moment of concern for Harry. Louis nodded at the goddess and stood to follow the other boy.

"Harry, we should keep moving," Louis hopped Harry would stop but he didn't even acknowledge his words.

"You'll need some supplies," Artemis announced before leaving them, presumably to get supplies. Harry hadn't realized until just then that he didn't have anything from the start of his journey. That was going to make things a little more uncomfortable. They'd manage though. They had to.

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