Chapter 4

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Once again Harry found himself walking alone down Mount Olympus, and his thoughts were clouded. What had Prometheus meant? Why did he care about mortals? The other gods didn't. And to make things worse the sun was shining so blastedly bright!

"No! Please no. P-p-p-please!" A woman was shrieking and Harry was on full alert.

"Now honey, it's not that bad, just. Come. ON!" Another woman's voice growled through the clear mountain air. That's when Harry saw them.

One of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. Tall, delicate, and sobbing.

"Excuse me!" Both women froze. "I think you should let her go ma'am."

"Do you know who I am, boy? This has nothing to do with you. Get out of my way," Harry had stepped in front of the older woman, not expecting to recognize her.

"Detemter? What are you- why are you hurting this girl?" Recognition dawned in the goddess' eyes.

"Shit. Harry. How's your mother?"

"Fine, um, what are you doing?" The elegant woman threw down the arm of the sobbing girl at her side.

"What do you think I'm doing? The end of the summer is coming, and I'm tired of Hades taking my daughter from me."

"So you're, what? Stealing someone else for him? That feels like it's not going to work Dee." The woman sagged, and sat on the stones as she continued to ignore the weeping girl. Harry went to her, helped her to a seat.

"I don't know what to do. Hades' messenger is coming for her soon. He always brings those blasted pomegranate seeds as a way to remind her of the disastrous choice she made. I can't stand to be without her Harry. I can't."

Harry didn't know what to say exactly. There was a teary-eyed girl sniffling into his blouse, he was kneeling in the dirt, and a goddess was confiding in him.

"I don't know what to tell you aunt Dee, but this girl looks like she is also suffering. Maybe don't." Demeter huffed and turned away from Harry. This is what he meant when he said he didn't want to keep listening to the gods and their petty problems. With little to no regard for how their actions were going to hurt anyone else!

"Fine. You can return her to town!" And she left in a flash of flowers and vines. Leaving Harry holding an exhausted girl in his arms.

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