Chapter 15

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"What?" Harry asks through gritted teeth as a hot rage fills his chest and he doesn't know what to do with it. He's never felt this angry before. "She, she doesn't have any dealings with the gods. Surely my mother would have said something. I don't-" He stood up and started aggressively pacing.

"Apollo doesn't like to lose Harry." Louis never looked up. Louis was holding his breath, hoping that would hold back the hot tears gathering in his eyelashes.

"I hate him. I hate him so much, Louis. I-" Harry clenched his fists, his whole body shaking.

"I'm so sorry Harry. I'm so, so sorry," Louis doesn't know where to look or what to say so he cast his eyes around the green fields wishing for something to take this pain away.

"I'm not angry at you Lou, it's Apollo's fault. I just, I didn't think he'd go this far to prove- does he really not want me on Olympus that badly? Why did he-"

"There's no use trying to understand the motives of the gods Harry. I'm so sorry."

"It makes me hate the gods Lou. It makes me want to leave Olympus, I just-" Harry's voice cracked and he was watching the endless green landscapes swim around them. "I can't do it. I can't leave Olympus. I don't know where I'd go," Harry sat next to Louis again, his head in his hands, shoulders shaking.

"It's all I've ever wanted. I don't, I don't know what else I could do. Even, even the things I've been thinking about seem impossible. Lou, I don't know what to do," Harry's breaths were shaking and gasping. Louis didn't know what to do. He wrapped an arm around Harry's quivering body and laid his head on his shoulder. And he listened to Harry cry.

"What are you going to do Lou? You have to take her. It's the only way," Harry's voice cracked and croaked when he finally spoke.

"I can't do it," Louis felt like he was dropping whispered bombs every time he opened his mouth to speak. "I can't do that to you."

"What will you do then? Who will you take to Hades? What will you tell him?"

"I don't know yet."

"You deserve to have mortality if that's what you still want Louis."

"I don't know what I want anymore Harry."

Mortal, But At Least I'm FreeWhere stories live. Discover now