Chapter 5

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"So, are you okay?" After a lot of encouragement, and heavy lifting Harry had gotten the girl back on her feet and walking down the mountain with him. At least he wasn't alone anymore? Her response was just quivering breaths. Gods. She was probably traumatized. What was he supposed to do with her?

"What's your name love? Mine's Harry." He didn't expect much but he heard a whispered answer.


"It's nice to meet you Gigi. Are we uh, headed in the right direction?" She nodded and hiccuped. "Is someone looking for you? Are your parents going to be in town? Or?"

"My boyfriend."

"Oh! A boyfriend?"

"Yeah. I was praying to Demeter because, well, I, um. I think I might be pregnant. That was when she kidnapped me." She swallowed thickly and closed her eyes to silent tears.

"Oh. So you haven't told him yet?" She shook her head. "I'm sure he'll be thrilled Gigi."

"I hope so. I love him so much." She smiled and looked away to hide her blush.

"Well then let's get you home to him." He grabbed her hand and started running down the mountain.

Not much later they were laughing, out of breath, and within sight of Gigi's town. She smiled wider than he'd seen yet, and when he followed her gaze he could see why. The most beautiful man Harry had ever seen was running their way.

"You better go to him."

"I love him so much Harry. What if he's upset?"

"He won't be. Go." That was all the encouragement she needed. Gigi scrambled down to the dark eyed man who scooped her up into his arms and held her close.

Harry couldn't hear what they were saying but he could see that they were both crying. Gigi's boyfriend kissed her in a way that made him want to look away, but not forget. Gigi was frantically talking, Harry could tell as her hands whipped through the air until they landed softly on her stomach. The man looked shocked. Completely stunned as he looked from her face to her hands and then he just held her. He whispered something into Gigi's ear and Harry could hear the delicate chime of her laughter.

It was beautiful.

Whatever this part of mortality was, it was beautiful.

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