Chapter Two: The Match

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Author's Note: Sorry if the concept of the story seems a little out there, it is just my take on the extreme measures that would be taken if it indeed was possible.

"MATCH START!" The sound of a single Boffors flak gun firing signaled the start of the match, with both Kuromuromine and Pravda moving forward from their starting positions. The map itself had several hills, villages, and forests, with a single river with three bridges dominating the battlefield, with Pravda starting in the South and Kuro starting in the north.

"Let's show the Westerners that we can do Shensha-do properly! Katushya demands it!" The mini-Stalin shouted, leading the way with her T-34/85 DT-5 variant. Following her was the IS-2 that Nonna commanded, along with several T-34/85s, T-34/85 DT-5s, and T-34/57s. They were rushing towards the closest village in order to gain a defensive hold out to weather Kuro's assault before launching their own counterattack.

"Panzers, Advance. Let us show these Nanban that we are superior to them in their own Panzers." Maho commanded as her team formed the typical wedge formation of the Nishizumi Style. The Tiger I E lead the formation, with the Tiger II (H) commanded by Erika on her right, six Panther ausf Ds, Jagtiger, Jagpanther, Ferdinand, and Panzer 40/76 tank destroyers. They advanced south at a steady pace avoiding several villages to maintain formation.

On the rafters, Erwin and Klara were watching carefully, noting that Kuro and Pravda would be the hardest to defeat in a straight fight. "One favors concentrated assaults, with the  other favoring a strong defense to wear down and prepare for a counterattack..." Klara mused, resting her chin on her hands.

Erwin shook his head. "Of the two, Kuro seems to be the easiest to counter. Seems like they throw all their hopes into the attack." The German wasn't impressed with the choice of tactics, but he was surprised at the formation's discipline. "Though, I wonder how the formation lasts under an ambush and a charge...."

On the fields of the match, Pravda's forward scouts were observing Kuro as the latter stopped at a bridge. "Commander, the enemy has stopped at the central bridge. Most likely to determine whether or not to push across or to defend."

"Keep observing! They are most likely looking for any scouts to eliminate!" Katushya stated before adding. "And remain out of sight! The Terrain is favorable for our tanks' camouflage!" A 'Hai!' was heard before the line went silent.

Erika and Maho were looking across the river, particularly towards the treeline, spotting the glimpse of a barrel. "Enemy scout, range seven-fifty. Erika, she's yours."

"Understood, Commander." Erika nodded before relaying the range. "Feuer!" The Tiger II's gun roared, with the shell landing short. This woke the Pravda tank crew up, whom quickly retreated into the forest.

"Negative hit. They must have figured out we spotted them and moved as we fired." Erika sighed, frustration already rising. Maho sighed before motioning her next order. "Advance across the bridge. It was only a scout, and Pravda most likely is not defending against the crossing." Maho commanded, keeping her eyes on the treeline as her Tiger I lead the team across.

Klara raised a brow. "Not bad. Trying to take out the eyes of your enemy denies them a large portion of what determines a battle. Though they didn't eliminate the T-34." Erwin only grunted before making his own comment. "Crossing a bridge is too damned risky. Fording the river would be better. But, they are used to ending the battle within a few hours."

Shiho was watching the German and Finnish commanders, and was rather disappointed in their comments on the match.

After fifteen minutes, Kuro had finally reformed the formation and advanced into the forest. "Advance slowly. We should methodically destroy Pravda's tanks." Maho stated, looking down at her map. "Shouldn't we be moving quickly? The more time we give Pravda to prepare, the harder it will be-" Several shells landed in front of the formation as an advanced guard of T-34/57s opened fire, a clear ploy to get some of the formation to charge forward, most notably Erika.

"Damnit! Advance at full speed! Overwhelm these fools!" Erika shouted as several panthers followed Erika's lead, firing towards the Pravda position. A single T-34/57 was knocked out by Erika, as the forward position was abandoned quickly. "Keep the pressure up!" The Vice-commander ordered before Maho's voice spoke up.

"Cease chase. That is what Pravda wants. Resume formation and advance methodically." Kuro's commander ordered, before Erika's Tiger's transmission gave out under the strain of the charge. "Erika, have two Panthers defend you while you conduct repairs. Rest of formation, continue advance."

Erika, at this point, was fuming, punching the copula repeatedly. "Damnit! I thought the modifications was suppose to prevent this!"

Erwin laughed. "That is what happens when you push your panzer too hard. Panthers and Tiger IIs have bad transmissions. Erika hasn't learned that lesson from the 63rd Tournament." Klara elbowed Erwin. "You have done the same thing in your Panther."

Erwin grunted. "Only once, and I learned how hard it is to repair that in the field." The German crossed his arms defensively." Klara only laughed.

Maho, now knowing she was weakened significantly, kept advancing, using the forest to her advantage to mask her approach. "Enemy defensive force spotted. Prepare bombardment."

Katushya noticed her advanced force pulling back. "So they have fallen in Katushya's trap. Nonna!" The Blizzard sighed. "Yes, Commander?" "Prepare to receive bombardment! I want you to eliminate their command tank!"

Nonna nodded before disappearing into her IS-2, assuming the gunner's position. Upon seeing Maho's Tiger I, she fired. The 122mm gun roared to life as the entire Pravda line fired immediately afterwards. Shells flew wildly, with Nonna's shell slamming into Maho's Drive Sprocket, immobilizing her.

Maho frowned before looking towards the Pravda line. "Fire upon the Command Tank and IS-2. Eliminate them, we secure our victory." The various 75 and 88 millimeter cannons fired at once, pounding Pravda's forces. Katushya fell into her T-34, frowning. "Nonna! Take out the Command Tank!" "A 'Hai.' is heard before the 122mm fired again, the shell slamming into the gun mantlet of the Tiger I, disabling it.

"KUROMUROMINE'S COMMAND TANK HAS BEEN DISABLED! PRAVDA WINS THE EXHIBITION MATCH!!!" The announcer stated, with cheers coming from parts of the bleachers. Erwin and Klara smirked. "Looks like we have to prepare for that match."

Klara nodded before smiling. "Indeed. We just got a good insight into our major resistance forces." The two walked towards the Western Tankery Federation stalls, with their tanks and fellow commanders to debrief and pack up to return to the Federal Headquarters in Kaliningrad.

And there is Chapter Two! The true nitty-gritty will start in the next few chapters!

Poll: Do you guys want Western Commanders shipped with Japanese Commanders?



The Poll will end by Chapter Five! See y'all on the flip side!

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