Special Chapter: Temporal Shenanigans!

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The sounds of Leopard 2A7s rolling forward denoted the military exercise in the area. Inscribed on the barrel was the following: Kommandantendiplomatie(Commander's Diplomacy). The Iron Cross on the side of the Leopard indicated the nation it served: Federal Republic of Germany. The tank slowed to a stop before the hatch opened. A single man poked the upper half of his body out as her brought his binoculars to his eyes. On his left breast was Rommel, with the Federal German Flag on both of his sleeves. He brought a mic to his face before speaking. "Kapitän, melden Sie sich!"(Captain, report!)

"Wir haben die vordere Panzereinheit der Amerikaner in der Nähe der Nordbrücke engagiert. Wir halten für den Moment."(We have engaged the Americans' forward tank unit near the northern bridge. We are holding for the moment.) The sound of Darjeeling's voice came through, along with the sound of cannon fire. Rommel smirked before speaking. "Verstanden. Wir werden uns auf den Weg nach Nordosten machen und sie flankieren. Alle Einheiten, zieh aus!"(Understood. We will make our way northeast and flank them. All units, move out!) The whine of the engines of the eight Leopard formation was loud as the unit moved at a rapid pace.

With Darjeeling's force, she and the Americans were trading fire. "Konzentriert bleiben. Es gibt eine gewisse Eleganz im Panzerkampf, die die Amerikaner nicht besitzen."(Remain focused. There is a certain elegance in tank combat, to which the Americans do not possess.) The gunner looked up at her briefly before chuckling. "Habe immer noch die ganze Eleganz-Sache. Kein Wunder, dass der Commander mit Ihnen verheiratet ist. Ich hätte es getan, wenn er sich nicht bewegt hätte."(Still got that whole Elegance thing. No wonder the Commander is married to you. I would have if he didn't make a move.)

Darjeeling only smirked before the sound of gunfire coming from the south announced the arrival of her husband's force. "Alle Einheiten, voraus! Wir schlagen jetzt zu!"(All units, advance! We strike now!) The eight Leopards under Darjeeling's command fired a volley before advancing. The Americans displayed great discipline before they withdrew, signifying that the Germans won the exercise.

The two Leopard forces united, with Darjeeling and Rommel exchanging salutes. "Ihre Ausbildung in Saint Gloriana gewährt Ihnen erneut den Sieg, meine Liebe. Entschuldigen Sie, Captain Darjeeling."(Your training at Saint Gloriana yet again grants you victory, my love. Excuse me, Captain Darjeeling.) Darjeeling only chuckled at the slip up before responding. "Nun, mein lieber Rommel, der Sieg war nur mit Ihrem Flankenangriff möglich. Aber die Tanker selbst verdienen die Anerkennung für den Sieg."(Well, my dear Rommel, the victory was only possible with your flank assault. But the tankers themselves deserve the credit for the victory.)

Rommel smiled before nodding. "In der Tat, Captain. Wenn wir zur Basis zurückkehren, dürfen die Jungen und Mädchen ein paar Biere auf der Basis trinken. Wir können die Amerikaner endlich in ihrem eigenen Spiel schlagen, was ein Sieg für sich ist."(Indeed, Captain. When we return to base, the boys and girls will be allowed to have a few beers on base. We finally can beat the Americans at their own game, which is a victory in itself.) The crews chuckled before the unit began to return to their tank hangars north of Berlin.

Erwin and Darjeeling, after the long ride and a quick debrief of their unit, walked into the main office before sitting down at a computer, tasked with investigating Temporal Distortions.

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