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The sound of guns echoed through the air before a Panzer IV flew by, shells roaring by and barely missing it. The tank rounded a corner, with a Tiger II (P) in close pursuit. "Damnit, why can't we hit her?" A whitish-blonde haired woman shouted, her 10.5 cm gun fired again, tearing off part of the Panzer IV's armor skirt.

A brown haired woman popped her head out of the Panzer IV's. "Mako, turn left up here. Yukari, load AP. Hana, prepare to fire!" A series of 'Hais' would be heard as the Panzer IV's practically drifted to the right of Erika's Tiger II, Hana firing into the side of her turret, disabling the tank and winning Ooraii the match. "Sorry, Erika, but your blind charging is not a good strategy."

Erika sighed before shaking her head. "You are still a superior tactician, Miho." The latter smiled before bowing deeply. "Send my sister my regards!" Erika nodded before smiling slightly. "I'll win next time." Miho only chuckled before giving an order for Mako to drive the tank back to the school.

A short while later, Miho was summoned to the Student Council's Room. "what is this all about, Anzo?" Though she normally is rather eager to know what the Council wanted to speak about, the looks upon Momo's and Anzo's face betrayed the seriousness of the call.

"We received a letter requisition our support in a certain matter regarding Western Tankery. Here's the letter." Momo gave the letter to Miho, who turned to read it. She instantly recognized the tone, her mothers in the words:

To all Shensha-do Teams,

A great heresy has been allowed to grow and besmirch Shensha-do: The so called 'Western Tankery Federation'. They claim to 'teach' the 'lessons of the past' to their so-called tankers, yet they spit in Shensha-do's traditions by allowing males to partake, and allow the usage of tankery to be used as a fast track into their militaries. The Heresy must be destroyed, and as such, the Shensha-do Federation of Japan has made the following demands:

Forbidding males from partaking in Tankery.

They must comply with Shensha-do Standards of practice.

They must allow Shensha-do observers to act as referees for matches.

If these demands are not met, then the S.F.J. will challenge the W.T.F. to an annihilation match. If the S.F.J. wins, Tankery will be forbidden within the partaking countries unless they comply with Japanese Standards. If the W.T.F. wins, the S.F.J. will keep out of the affairs. We hereby demand that all major schools partake, and request all minor schools to partake as well. If a school is unable to join, a Federation team will replace them.

Shensha-do Federation

Miho frowned before looking at Anzo. "We will support the Federation. This is blight upon Shensha-do, and as such, they must be taught a lesson." She handed the letter back to Momo before leaving.

Anzo sat there dumbstruck. "I thought she would be rather hard to determine her response."

Momo sighed. "She is from Kuromorimine, remember. And a Nishizumi at that. Despite her not being like her mother or older sister, she is still rather traditional."

Anzo nodded before shaking her head. "Well, our commander says yes, so send the word to the Federation."

Three days later, all the commanders, vice commanders, and student councils of the various Japanese Schools were sitting in the front rows of an auditorium, with the teams sitting behind them. Everyone was chattering with each other, before Shiho Nishizumi and Chiyo Shamada walked up on stage. "No doubt you all know why we are here. The Heresy of the Western Takery Federation must be put to an end. They have rejected the Federation's demands, and has agreed to the annihilation match. Now, if we lose, we cannot impede on their heresy, however, they will lose, since they do not understand the culture of Shensha-do. Now Lady Shamada will tell you the details."

Shiho stepped aside before Chiyo stood and spoke. "Now, we do not have a limit on what tanks we can bring, outside of our logistics. However, the number of tanks per school is capped at 50, considering that many schools here do not have the budget to handle more than 25 tanks. An island that has been well maintained was chosen within the Pacific by both sides, in order to nullify any national advantages. Now, once everyone gets there, no outside communications and a supply ship will bring all the supplies needed, so choose your tanks wisely. We will start in the South, in the city, with the West Starting in the North in a coastal village. There are strategic points to hold." To which Chiyo activated a pointer and aimed at the Central Town, The City, the Airbase, and Coastal Village, and the Wind Farm. "Since the Match is decided to last for a year, at the end of the match, if all enemy tanks have not been disabled, the team that holds the most strategic points will win the match. There are rules within the match: You may take prisoners and make them repair and maintain tanks, as well as capture their tanks. They can do the same, as long as the prisoners are fed, housed, and have proper sanitation. I do not expect this match to last for over a month. Now who will end this heresy?"

(I know it is Los Santos from GTA5, thought it would work best here)

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(I know it is Los Santos from GTA5, thought it would work best here)

A flurry of shouts and cheers came from the more traditional schools, mainly the All Stars University, Kuromorimine, and Saint Gloriana teams. Others remained silent or chatted among themselves. "That is all. Prepare for the match." Shiho stated before leaving the stage, leaving the teams to prepare...

Somewhere in Russia, a Panther D drove briskly through the snow, followed by both Panthers and Jadpanthers. A young man in a Wehrmacht uniform was standing in the commander copula. "Feuer! General Winter will not save the Russians this time." A flurry of guns fired upon some T-34s, with a woman wearing a Russian Tanker's Uniform growled in annoyance. "Aim at Ghost! He is key to their overall strategy!" The platoon returned fire before the two forces began to get intermingled. Several T-34s and Jagpanthers were knocked out, with a Panther following shortly. The two command tanks soon skidded to a stop before they fired at the same time. Both tanks were covered in smoke and dust before it revealed the T-34 was disabled.

The man smiled. "Nice try, Klara, but I do give you credit. You managed to defeat much of my team." Klara smirked before shaking her head. "Well, my lovely Erwin, you showed that you are indeed superior." Erwin smiled before saluting, before his radio operator tapped his arm. "Kommandant, we have an urgent message from our higher ups. We are to prepare immediately for a match against the Japanese. They are trying to dismantle our Tankery Program, well, everyone's to be more precise." Rommel frowned before nodding to Klara.

The Latter nodded in return before speaking to her subordinates. "They have some nerve. We will show them why they lost their war against the Europeans and Americans."

In an American field, two teams were engaged as well: All Stars and Manchester's Finest. The battle abruptly stopped before both teams returned to the garages. "Those asshats think they command Tankery! They need to learn that they were shit when it came to tanks in the Second Great War!" The Commander, Ralph, yelled. "Our Shermans basically slapped their Chi-tah's back up their asses!"
"Calm down, lad." Oliver chuckled. "They really do not understand the history behind Tank Warfare. Perhaps we need to teach them on the field." Despite his calm demeanor, the Brit was clearly unhappy about the news too.

What will come of the two Federations? Will there be understanding, or will there be sheer hate by both sides in the battle? Tune in next time!

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