ACT IV: Chapter 14

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On the north end of the Island, The First Armored Brigade of the Eighth Army immediately lurched off the transport ships, their M1A2 Abrams, accompanied by M5 Bradleys filled with American Soldiers. Above, a wing of F-18 Super Hornets flew low and fast, loaded out in a ground-attack loadout. The various American tankers and their infantry stopped what they were doing and gave a salute, with the others moving out of the way. Several 'NCOs' of the remaining Germans radioed ahead, informing the front line of the American Army advancing from the landing sight.

Rommel was awoken from his brief slumber by one of his radiomen. "Sir, message from the HQ. Americans have made landfall. American Armor advancing southwards." Rommel nodded before smiling solemnly. "Danke. Inform the rest of the line... and get me a meeting with the other kommandants, need to plan how we are going to deal with the ramifications." The radioman operated before leaving, with Darjeeling walking in, offering a slight smile.

"The next few weeks or months are going to be long... How was your nap?" The German walked over to make a quick cup of coffee, rubbing the sleep and tiredness out of his eyes. "Well, to be frank, a Churchill is smooth to ride in, but it is no place to sleep." Rommel sighed. "Could have taken up my offer."

Darjeeling blushed slightly before recovering. "Mister Rommel, I wouldn't dare. Mainly to prevent rumors from running amok." Rommel laughed as he plopped two sugar cubes into his coffee before taking a slow sip. "The rumors are already there, Darjeeling. You have not been paying attention."

Darjeeling sighed as Rommel approached her. "And, pray tell, what do the troops say?" Rommel took a sip of coffee before kissing her cheek. "That the Commoner German has fallen for the Posh Gloriana girl." Darjeeling and Rommel shared a blushed before the latter walked out of the tent. "Going to stand there, or are you going to come to the meeting, Commander?"

Darjeeling shook her head before sighing. "Don't rush the Posh Gloriana, Commoner." This earned a chuckle from Rommel.

Across the desert, Akari and Earl Grey were exchanging words, particularly harsh ones at that. "You soft-hearted bitch! A little shrapnel made you timid? Pathetic! We will resist the Americans, like Lady Nishizumi ordered!" Earl bristled, clenching her fists. "Lives are at stake, Akari! We have killed our own! And the Americans will kill us if we do not stand down and surrender to them!"

Akari slapped Earl across the scar, causing Earl to return with a left uppercut. This started a brawl, with Akari and Earl becoming bruised and bloodied rather quickly. After several moments, where the girls watching remained out of the fight, Earl came out on top, spitting blood onto the ground. "I care for these girls... Even the ones who left our ranks... I am not about to let them die needlessly..."

Akari coughed and rolled over, spitting up her own blood before standing, holding her side. "Fuck you..." Earl frowned before looking around. "If you wish to resist, return to the city. If you do not want to continue this war... stay here, with me, and surrender to the Americans." Several squads grabbed Akari by her arms and helped her into an armored car before the small convoy left, rushing south.

"Everyone..., climb onto tanks, into vehicles, or walk. We are heading north." Earl nodded before climbing into her Challenger, with help from several of her allies, picking up the com mic. "Lady Nishizumi. Those who wish to continue resisting with you are heading back into the city. We are surrendering. Everyone, move out!" The column moved forward at a walking pace.

Akari rushed south, having lost almost all of the Armored force and much of the veteran infantry, closed her eyes. "We could have won... We could have! If only the traitors remained with us..."  The girls in her car frowned, but said nothing. The drive continued in silence.

Shiho, on the other hand, was sitting at her desk, her eyes closed. The dull roar of jet engines and clanking of an occasional tank's tracks accompanied the soft wind. Her guards remained silent, nervous glances being exchanged between the group before one spoke up. "My Lady... we cannot... resist the Americans... We all heard the transmission from Earl Grey...."

Shiho opened her eyes and slowly stood up, her defeated glare present before sighing. "Hand me an open communication link... I'll announce our surrender." The girls nodded, with one handing it over to Shiho.

Rommel, Klara, Maho, Darjeeling, and Lee were discussing how to assist the Army when the radio crackled. "This is Lady Shiho Nishizumi of the Japanese Shensha-do Federation. I'm announcing the unilateral surrender of all Shensha-do Forces under my command. I repeat, the Japanese Shensha-do Federation Forces on the island are to stand down and surrender to the American Armed Forces and Western Federation Forces." Rommel leaned onto the table, laying his head onto the map, silently sobbing in joy. Lee and Klara hugged each other and cheered, grinning and letting tears fall down their cheeks.

Maho and Darjeeling only exchanged looks before the latter walked next to Rommel, hugging him and rubbing his back. "So Mother has finally seen reason..." Maho closed her eyes, a slight smile creeping onto her face. The same mixtures of expressions and cheers erupted from the various trenches and tanks, with everyone celebrating.

The forces under Earl heard the announcement and simply leaned against each other, sobbing for the fallen. Earl, for her part, leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. The war is over.

At the airbase, John was with his family when a pilot burst into the barracks. "Commander! Nishizumi just announced the complete surrender of her forces!" The group took a moment to process the information before smiling, hugging each other. "Suspend all air activities... I do not give a damn about Helga..." John stated, with the pilot nodding.

In the rear, Helga punched her desk! "This is bullshit! We had all the justification to do what we want to these assholes, but the Yanks arrived!" The guards around her frowned before sighing. "Commander, if I may, we can still do it. Just not as openly as you wished it to be."

Helga turned to the guard before nodding. "First one we are getting is that Saint Gloriana commander.... and use her against the one who held us back..." Her face contorted into a sinister grin.


Rommel and Darjeeling were sitting on top of her Churchill, savoring the quiet night. "I'm sorry you had to witness the horrors of war..." Rommel stated, taking a sip of tea.

Darjeeling only shook her head before wrapping an arm around Rommel. "Don't be. If this didn't happen... I wouldn't have met such a gentleman like you."

Rommel blushed slightly before turning towards Darjeeling. "Ja... and I wouldn't have met such an elegant and beautiful woman like you." The two leaned in and shared a soft, yet long, kiss, their crews and friends looking on kn support.

There we have it! Next Two to Three Chapters will be released sometime within the next few weeks! Sorry about the slight delay!

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