Chapter 4: ACT 1: The Initial Clash

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September 1st, 2036.

Time: 0500 hours, local time.

In the predawn hours, several small convoys were transporting the teams into the waters of the tournament island. But both fleets had a carrier each: The Graf Zeppelin for the Shensha-do fliers, and the USS Enterprise, Yorktown-class, for the Western Fliers. The flights were as follows: 10 Bf-109 Cs, 12 JU 87 'Stuka's, 20 LaG-3(M)s, and 40 P-40 Warhawks for the Shensha-do team, and 30 Bf-109 Ts, 20 Bf-110 Fs, 10 Ju 87 F 'Stuka's, 40 P-51s, 35 MiG-5s, 20 B-18 'Bolos', and 25 Battles. In short, the West had a slight advantage over the Japanese in terms of numbers and quality.

On the USS Enterprise, Helga and Joseph, the de facto leaders of the Western Pilots, were holding a briefing with their pilots. "Achtung! The Japanese wish to challenge us on a neutral field, yet they failed to realize that we are superior in terms of experience in the air, and with combined arms warfare. Our objective for the first day is to establish and maintain air superiority over our landing sights. Fighters will be under my command, with ground attack aircraft being under Kommandant Joseph." The German pilot nodded to Joseph.

"Thank you, Commander Helga. Gentlemen and ladies, as ground attack, our job is to provide both close air support to the lads on the ground, and to hit certain infrastructure targets to slow an immediate advance on our positions from the city in the south. That means bridges and roads primarily. We are only going six miles south of the halfway mark on the island out of safety for the pilots and crews. We are not about to lose vital pilots and planes because someone got reckless. Commander Helga's forces will be going in first. Understood!" The entire flight stood before shouting. "No sir!" Helga walked forward before clapping her hands before saluting. "Dismissed! We take flight immediately!" The group left quickly.

On the Graf Zeppelin, there was less preparation in terms of briefings. The only ones who took it seriously seemingly was Kuromuromine's pilots, led by the lady known as the Black Fox. "We are going to face heretics, but do not underestimate them. Our mission will be to bomb their landing zone, and then return to the city's airport. The enemy will not know what hit them. Now get ready. We have a battle to win, and win quickly."

At sunrise, the Western aircraft slowly lifted themselves off the flight deck of the USS Enterprise, circling in formation before all the aircraft flew at half power towards the island. "Alpha Flight, this is Alpha Lead. Keep your head on a swivel, and show them we will not only win, but completely dominate them." The fighters soon sped up and climbed higher, the MiGs remaining lower, since high altitude was not their best fighting elevation.

The bombers lumbered behind by over a mile, climbing higher to avoid detection. "All groups, be on standby for calls for close air support. The infrastructure targets are secondary. Understood?" Joseph announced. "Copy Blue Lead!"

The Shensha-do pilots were flying under full throttle, trying to catch the Western forces unloading, as well as unleash their abilities upon unsuspecting pilots. The Black Fox flew ahead with her personal squadron of 109s. "Right... no sign. Perhaps they are not taking this seriously... We are already-" Before she could complete her sentence, a hail of bullets from 109s, lead by Helga, dived upon the squadron, immediately shooting one down, and forcing the Japanese squadron to break to avoid the fire. "Damnit! Split up and engage! Remember, we are superior!"

Helga's group pulled up before breaking off into wings. "Engage at will. This is Alpha Lead, we are engaging the lead elements of the enemy flights. Engage at will." Helga's 109 rolled over to land herself on the tail of a Kuro 109, and let loose a short burst. The Japanese pilot quickly bailed out as her plane tumbled to the ground. "Another enemy down."

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