ACT IV: Chapter 15

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Several weeks after the end of the match - Moscow, Russian Federation, Red Square

The Square was abuzz with news crews, Russian Army Personnel, and the Tankery Team Members, with CNN, RT, and BBC interviewing several prominent members. RT, in particular, seemed to have a vested interest in the Ghost and a certain woman, Erwin Rommel and Darjeeling.

"So, you say you were the one who authorized Code Black within the match. Why is that, General Rommel?" The reporter placed the microphone close to Rommel's face, whom kept a neutral face. "In face of life threatening situations involving combat, where the students' and athletes' lives are at stake, a commanding officer can issue the declaration of Code Black, and can only be opposed by a similar ranking commander within the Western Federation, or by Federation Officials, or by the host militaries and/or governments."

"So your saying you believed that your comrades were in danger for their lives?" A CNN reporter asked, to which Rommel only nodded. "Ma'am, what are your comments on this?"

Darjeeling looked to Rommel before speaking. "While I'm not in line with what Rommel thinks, I believed it was the right call. What happened to his fellow tankers was inexcusable." Her face softened before turning to Rommel, whispering in his ear. "I do not think I can answer any more questions...."

Rommel nodded before turning to the two reporters. "With all respect, we need to save our voices for the trial within the Kremlin, thus I have to say we are not taking any questions from now on." The reporters nodded, knowing they will get all the answers from the trial.

Several moments later - Inside the Kremlin

Rommel and Darjeeling entered the meeting room, where mutliple others who were apart of the match. However, one stood out amongst the others: Shiho Nishizumi. She had several armed Russian soldiers flanking her, with handcuffs and chains keeping her bound and in place. There was a device in her ear, linked to the table in front of her: A translator.

(For my sanity, I'm not going to type the actual language and then leave in the translations, so assume that the people speaking are in their own preferred languages, with what is said translated into the characters' languages)

Rommel sat down next to Darjeeling, motioning for her to equip her own translator before he did his own, looking down at the briefcase that was brought in for him. His gaze fell upon the other prominent faces from the match: Johnathan, Chiyo, Maho, Miho, Helga, Klara, Nonna, and Wilhelm."Quite the gathering..."

The main door opened with a certain world leader walking in, Vladimir Putin. Everyone stood out of respect, with Klara giving a crisp salute. After a moment of silence, Putin sat down, equipping his own translator, spoke. "You all may be seated."

Everyone sat down, with several glances exchanged between the officers. The news crews were broadcasting the trial. "As the Host of the Trial, I hereby call this meeting to order." Putin commanded, to which everyone opened up their folders and briefcases. "General Klara, please present your accounts of events during the match."

Klara nodded. "Thank you, Mister President. I will keep it brief, with Vladivostok's involvement being relegated to the left flank. Our main engagement was against the Japanese school of Kuromuromine, commanded under Miss Maho Nishizumi, and whom's former Headmistress was Miss Shiho Nishizumi." The pair shifted uncomfortably before Klara continued. "When we received word that Code Black was in effect, Commander Lee and myself came to the conclusion to inform Commander Maho of the issue, and gave her three hours to essentially switch sides. Only after most of her school came over did we properly process the reason why Code Black was introduced. It became clear that the Brandenburg School was gassed while they were advancing towards the city."

Putin nodded. "And what does Code Black institute for the partaking schools?"

Klara looked to Rommel. "Kommandant Rommel can explain better than I ever can." Putin looked to Rommel before nodding for him to speak.

"Mister President, people of the world, Code Black gives us the authority to use absolute lethal force to defend ourselves and those we are protecting. The Code's existence is why we carry actual live rounds to each match we undertake." Rommel sighed. "It is tradition... that the officer who institutes Code Black is to be placed on trial for the deaths while Code Black is activated."

Putin nodded. "And what caused the decision to activate Code Black, General Rommel?"

All those who were in the match paled slightly before Rommel spoke, his voice shaky, yet indicating he was not going to fail to describe what happened. "About midday, Brandenburg's forces, under Kommandant Steiner's command, were pushing the Shensha-do center, which, to our knowledge, was only held by Saunders, and American-themed school. From what I observed, the Saunders withdrawal was shaky and ill-coordinated, indicating the unwillingness to do such an action. Guess pride has a role there..." He took a deep breath, steadying himself. "Next thing I knew, I heard the whistling of artillery, which we didn't know the Shensha-do Federation even had... but the shells implanted themselves into the ground behind the Brandenburg, not throwing much dirt up. We thought they were duds, but then something began to seep from them: a yellowish gas was flowing out of the shell impact areas. Due to the wind, it was flowing right into the formation. After a moment of shock, I ordered the activation of Code Black, and essentially gave the authorization to shoot to kill if the Shensha-do forces moved to attack."

Putin nodded once more. "Quite the call. I respect the decision. But, considering that many of the Shensha-do forces' generals are here, mostly unharmed, you did something else as well."

Rommel nodded. "I sent the message to my fellow officers to give a three hour notice that they should switch sides or fall behind our lines and remain out of the fight, or they would be treated as enemy soldiers."

Putin placed a hand on his chin, pondering for a moment. "But that is not all that happened that resulted in death, is it?"

"Nein. However, Commander Johnathan can tell you the next major action." Rommel nodded before sitting down.

Putin looked to Johnathan before nodding. "General, if you please."

John looked towards his family and love interest before nodding, speaking clearly. "Mister President, the next major action was called Operation: Rolling Thunder, which was a systematic bombing campaign upon the city, hitting targets such as AA emplacements, bridges, barracks, hangars, runways, and port facilities. The First wave consisted of fighters and attackers, lead by Commander Helga, and she was tasked to clearing the skies and hitting the AA emplacements. However, she focused too much on the air battle, which part of my precision air forces, which incurred multiple losses of crews and aircraft. The operation continued for four days, and was around the clock, which resulted in significant damage to local infrastructure."

Putin nodded before looking down at his notes. "Very well, General. We will continue the trial in one hour. Spend that time to eat, drink, and release some tension. Those who are not back after the hour either needs to send a representative or will face criminal charges in Russia. Dismissed." The entire room stood before people conversed with each other or left during the recess for whatever purpose.

Helga and her cabal kept their gazes upon Darjeeling and Rommel, their plot already in motion...

Sorry about le delay! Hope you guys enjoy!

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