Chapter 7: ACT 1: Beginning of a Rebellion

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Location: Shensha-do HQ
Time: 0230 Hours

The sound of a feminine scream was heard in the dead of night from the Interrogation Wing, and inside a room, both a male pilot and a female tanker were chained up to the wall. Four guards stood opposite as a certain Federation Leader was tasing the woman. "Tell me why Shimada betrayed us!"

The male growled, trying to break the chains, but to no avail. "Stop this! She's your comrade in arms!" This only caused Shiho to tase the woman, who screamed again. "Shut your mouth, heretic! I determine who's a comrade and who's a traitor!"

The woman was crying before speaking in a hoarse voice. "You... are violating international law.... with this treatment of prisoners, Shiho..." This caused the Matriarch to slam her fist to Azumi's face, knocking her out. "My word is law here!" With that, Shiho left with two guards remaining, showing signs of sympathy. "I'm sorry, Vice-Commander..." With that, the two remaining guards left, standing outside.

Three blocks down, a combined group of Saint Gloriana's and Pravda's tanks and infantry were waiting for Matriarch to leave the premises. "Rosehip, Klara, if Federation Reinforcements start arriving, can you delay so we can get any prisoners out?" Darjeeling muttered into her com.

Rosehip spoke up, seven blocks to the south. "No problem, Miss Darjeeling. We are in the perfect position to do so!" The redhead was watching Shiho's escort leaving the area. "And she is gone. might want to be quick."

Darjeeling smiled. "Understood. Operation: Breakout is a go. open fire upon the garrison." The various cannons fired upon the Federation tanks, knocking them out. The Red and Green of the Saint Gloriana and Pravda infantry, carrying their respective themed replica firearms(Sten or Mosins), went forward, the latter setting up a perimeter while the Saint Gloriana infantry, led by a Samantha O'Brian, burst into the headquarters, aiming their Stens before firing upon the guards who didn't surrender.

Inside the interrogation room, the guards outside quickly came in and undid the chains, each half-carrying, half-dragging the two prisoners and slowly made their way to the entrance. A squad of the Redcoats aimed down towards the group before O'brian nodded. "This way! We have a truck waiting!"

The two guards, who ultimately were making a stand against the treatment, quickly carried the two, with assistance from the others. "There's no one else there. We will remain, make it look like we surrendered." O'Brian nodded before unloading into the guards. "Good luck, ladies! Right, move out!" O'Brian quickly picked up her radio. "We are leaving! Darjeeling, we are going to Phase Three." "Understood. All tanks, lay down a smoke screen. Rosehip, we are leaving. Make your way to the rendezvous." The trucks quickly loaded up and moved at a rapid speed as Tank cannons keep firing before a massive smoke screen was deployed before the tanks retreated.

Johnathan sighed, gently pulling an unconscious Azumi into his lap. "You shouldn't have put yourselves into this position..." O'Brian smiled slightly as two medics quickly bandaged the pair up. "Nonsense. When Rosehip told us of the scream, we were not about to stand by and let such a violation to happen. Even if you partake in what we believe to be heretical."

This earned a pained chuckle from John. "Well, thank you. Now what will your leaders do? The Nishizumi's are kinda the ultra-traditionalists of Shensha-do?" O'Brian smiled before shaking her head. "We won't attack either side in this match. Not until outside intervention forces them to play by the rules. That is what every single participant agreed to." John nodded before stroking Azumi's hair, the woman relaxing from the touch.

Location - Eastern Powerplant
Time: 0750 Hours

The Russian defensive line came under fire from the advancing Kuromuromine line, knocking out several SU-85s and T-34s. The remaining tanks returned fire, knocking out two Panthers and Jagpanther, clearly showing their experiences from battles with the Germans.

"This is General Klara. We are going to begin pulling back. We need these knockoffs to fall into Commander Lee's trap." A series of acknowledgements is heard before the line slowly pulled back,  firing in order to kick up smoke and dust, with two more T-34s being knocked out by return fire.

Maho looked through her binoculars. "Advance methodically. They don't seem to want to stand toe-to-toe with us." Her 88mm fired again, hitting a SU-85, but didn't knock it out.

Klara grunted at her Tank Destroyer took the shot from the 88mm. "Damnit... Lee, can you fire upon the enemy? I'm taking heavier losses than expected." "We are ready. Watch the fireworks!" was the reply before 75mm and 76mm guns roared to life, knocking out several Panthers and an Elephant.

Maho sighed before shaking her head. "All Tanks, pull back for now. We cannot take  the Plant on our own." The Kuro line slowly pulled back before deploying a smoke screen.

The Russians didn't advance, considering their losses. "Good work, Comrades. We will leave our tanks out there until the area is firmly secured. I just hope the rest of the theaters are doing well." Klara mused, leaning back in the Gunner's seat.

Welp, there's the end of Act 1! The relationship between Azumi and Johnathan has begun, and the warming of Erwin and Miho will begin in the next ACT. Enjoy, and thank you for making this story #5 in the #girlsundpanzer tag!

Total losses:

Shesha-do Federation:
25 Tanks
3 Fighters
1 Bomber

Western Federation:
30 Tanks
4 Fighters
6 Bombers

Total Fighting Strength:

750 Tanks, Divided between schools and the Federation itself.
100 Operational Aircraft.

Western Forces:
900 Tanks, Divided amongst the Schools.
85 Operational Aircraft.

ACT II will begin shortly, and I hope you will enjoy the story!

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