ACT IV: Chapter 16

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After that intense stare-down from Putin, Rommel and Darjeeling were quick to get out of the Kremlin. Rommel especially didn't like the still-present Comministic feel of the building as he guided Darjeeling towards the 'German' quarter nearby. But he didn't know that some of Helga's goons were following them.

"I can finally breath!!!" Rommel practically shouted, with Darjeeling only chuckling at his actions. "You still harbor some ill will towards the Russians?"

Rommel laughed. "I harbor ill will to Communists, not the Russians. But the Kremlin has that vibe, Darj." He smiled as the pair embraced and walked down the way with Darjeeling holding onto Rommel's arm, mainly because it was somewhat chilly.

Then several men walked up and set up a perimeter around the pair, facing inwards. "What is the meaning of this!?" Rommel frowned, his fists clenching as he prepared for a fight. 

Helga walked out into the open before entering the circle. "Like I told you a few months back, I am going to show these Japs some German hospitality. And this time, you don't have your little army protecting you." She chuckled darkly before moving her hand in an approaching motion.

The goons slowly approached, drawing their knives as they got closer. Rommel frowned, pressing a hidden button in his uniform. "Stay close to me, Leiben." Darjeeling only nodded, because she knew nothing about close quarters combat, and was fully trusting Rommel.

Two of the goons charged forward, only to be met with jabs and hooks, knocking them on the floor. Several more charged forward, from all directions. Rommel laid out the one charging him with a haymaker before whirling around to engage another goon. But two goons got ahold of Darjeeling and was pulling her towards Helga. "Erwin!"

Rommel laid the goon he was battling out with a left uppercut, and turned his head, seeing Darjeeling being brought before Helga on her knees. The rest of the Goons got ahold of Rommel and prevented him from approaching, despite his struggles. In a fight like this, only the best would get out, and Rommel was not the best at CQC.

Helga laughed before brandishing a knife of her own. "Hm... hate to scar a beautiful face, but since you were apart of the organization that tried to take our sport away...  among other things... guess I have too." She brought the knife downwards on Darjeeling's right cheek, making her scream in pain as the goons kept her face still. Blood flowed freely from the wound, and Helga licked her blade, tasting it. "My my... so delicious...."

"You are one sadistic bitch, Helga... and I will make you pay!" Rommel tried to break free again, but to no avail, as a goon landed a hit on his temple, nearly knocking him out.

The sounds of cars approaching got the attention of the goons before several Moscow police squads unloaded. "HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!!!!" The goons held their hands up, releasing both Darjeeling and Rommel, the latter rushing up to the former and holding her close, using a spare handkerchief to try to keep the blood from flowing freely.

Helga growled before staring down at Rommel, her teeth clenched. Without thinking, she thrust her knife forward, stabbing into Rommel's right shoulder as he moved to protect Darjeeling, letting out a grunt of pain. One of the officers shot a taser into Helga before several others tackled her to the ground, placing her under arrest.

Darjeeling looked up at Rommel before smiling slightly "Such a gentleman... I'm sorry I caused this pain..." Rommel kissed her lips softly before sighing. "I'll do it anytime, just for you..." An officer walked up before nodding. "Comrade, lets get you to a hospital!" Rommel nodded as he lifted Darjeeling up bridal style, doing his best to ignore the shooting pain in his shoulder. The pair boarded an ambulance that was staged in case of casualties and rushed them both to the hospital.

Several Weeks later

Rommel came to, looking around. A hospital room... He looked to his side before smiling. Darjeeling was sitting there, reading a newspaper before looking up. "My love, how are you doing?"

Rommel chuckled ruefully. "Like shit. But you are ok, and that is what matters to me right now." Darjeeling nodded before handing the newspaper to Rommel, pointing to an article. "You might want to read it."

Rommel nodded before he frowned. Shiho Nishizumi sentenced to life in prison in the U.S. for actions against the rules of engagement. Her crimes include Usage of Illegal Weapons, Crimes against Humanity, Conspiracy of Terrorism, Multiple accounts of Murder and Attempted Murder, and Falsifying Official Government Records. "Damn... so the trial's over?"

Darjeeling only nodded. "And because of the incident, the Schoolships are now placed under U.N. administration, not Japanese. As well as forcing open Shensha-do to males. Though I'm not opposed to the last." Rommel chuckled before smiling. "Well, My Lady, how about you come to Germany, taste REAL German Hospitality."

Darjeeling smiled before walking over and kissing Rommel on the lips. "I would love to..."

Heyo! Act IV is done! Now I will post two more chapters, but you will have to read them! No spoilers for you glorious readers! Have a good day and have fun!

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