Chapter 8, ACT II: The Revelation

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Hey y'all! Admiral Hipster here! I would like to thank all those who support and read my work! ACT II is now being written and developed for your entertainment! Enjoy!

Several weeks has passed, with little action. And that was upsetting a certain German. "Damnit.... why is the terrain not suitable for my tactics?" Rommel growled as he looked over the Saunders' defensive line along the treeline. "That Kay is definantly smart on her placement. Though the file on her tactics shows that this is new."

Miho, whose team was transported to Rommel's forces, hummed. "She normally tries to overwhelm an enemy with superior firepower. She most likely is finding that you are not susceptible to such attacks, and is holding out for either Saint Gloriana or Pravda." Over the weeks, the pair had talked much, and shared a certain uneasiness of Helga.

Rommel chuckled. "It is logical to do so. Your tactics do not work, so defend until you figure it out, or get reinforcement. Though, I've heard about some trouble from our Liberty komrads off to the West. Something about a revolt against the Central Shensha-do command." The Kommandant sighed before looking through his binoculars. "Maybe, the two forces you mentioned are held up, trying to keep the rebels isolated if that's the case. Plus, Kay, despite her position, won't stand up to the entire German Panzer Korps."

Miho looked at Rommel in surprise. "Why do you say that? Brandenburg should be at the reserves." After all, the force was designated as a reserve unless otherwise called up.

Rommel laughed. "I might have a little rivalry between us, but Wilhelm has been itching for a fight. Plus, Kuro is pinned up trying to keep your right flank held from a combined Lincoln and Vladivostok force lead by General Klara. They have been denying each other control over that flank for weeks now. Your family style has met its match facing two allied armies."

Miho sighed. "What about your right? Are you not concerned? The All Stars are there."

Rommel hummed. "Not at all. We have our own All Stars holding, and the Manchester forces as their reserve. Hell, the airfield is an advantage itself, since it can handle the Yankee and Russian air forces." He looked back across the desert. "And this airfield is too fucked to be of use for us."

Miho gasped. "Language, Mister Rommel! Who taught you to swear like that so casually?" The normally air-headed girl was now red with anger, trying not to lecture someone who was essentially protecting her from a certain woman.

Rommel sighed. "My Vater was a drunk, and Mutter did the best to protect me. Though, the two ended up fighting a lot, and a lot of cursing was involved. After I joined the Rhineland's School, I learned that Cursing got the point across to boys and girls who were innocent to the World of War, albeit, reenactment war. The boys especially chose me because I can get people into shape by cursing logic and reason at them. So, I use it when nothing else works. Or when I have no other word to describe it."

Author: So that's why you are a right ass!

Rommel: Get back in your wall!

A: Ja, ja, ja, Herr Kommandant

Miho sighed. "Are many of the commanders similar?" This earned Rommel a laugh.

"Nein! Some are just drinkers, like O'hare and Klara! But that is more a cultural thing, so our admins and judges generally don't bother." Rommel hummed. "Nein, many of the commanders get their reputations due to their abilities as commanders and their commanding style."

Miho nodded, calming down before sighing. "Each school on the Shesha-do side has their own styles too... A shame we couldn't have a match where the fate of one side was in peril."

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