Chapter 11: ACT III: Operation Rolling Thunder

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A week after the Battle of the Central Plains, the shensha-do teams and all the air groups were deployed in the major airbase, with a mission briefing underway. Helga and Johnathan were leading it.

"Operation: Rolling Thunder is the name of the operation, considering what we are about to do is similar to the operation in the Vietnam War that the United States undertook." Johnathan spoke, glancing to Helga.

"Right! All fighters and interceptors vill be going in first. Ve must take out ze fighters und strike at ze AAA emplacements. Vhich is vhy ze fighters und interceptors vill be equipped with rockets. Ze enemy AAA vill be placed in open areas in order to provide clearance. Interceptors, zat is your job. Kommandant, your turn~."

Johnathan nodded before stepping forward. "All you bomber crews and strike aircraft crews! Listen closely! I'm not repeating myself! We are striking the Port, The Airport's Hangers and Fuel Silos, Bridges and Tunnels, and any other strategic targets! To all pilots and crews!" The crews stood at attention. "This is a round-the-clock operation! Get any rest while the aircraft is resupplied and repaired. Any questions?"

A hand went up behind the entire crew. "Yes, Miss Maho?"

Maho stood, steadying herself before speaking. "Does this mean you will be striking barracks?" John nodded. "When I said 'any other strategic targets', barracks are included. But, if your mother and her supporters are any good at an actual war, she will move everyone to spread out." Maho nodded before sitting down.

John nodded. "Anything else?" Silence. "Dismissed! Rolling Thunder starts in 30 mikes!" Everyone shouted 'Yes sir!'s before moving to do individual briefings.

At Shiho's HQ.

The Headmistress was looking out across the airfield, the predawn air quiet. "Hm... Earl Grey, Akari, status?"

Akari smirked, stepping forward. "Our forces are almost in position. Just waiting on the Gustav cannons to move into position. And the Type 72s are being unloaded now." Shiho nodded.

"Our air power has recovered from the losses we suffered from the first month. As soon as the enemy tries to enter our airspace, we will destroy them." Earl Grey stated, her cheek still bandaged.

"Good. We will begin the operation at nightfall today. You two are dismissed." Shiho stated, gazing back out on the airport. Earl Grey and Akari walked out the office. Why do I have a feeling that something is going to happen....

Back with the Western Air Groups, dawn.

"Los, los, los!" Helga yelled as her fighter wings began to move to the runway.

"Luftwaffe Flight, this is Tower. You are cleared for takeoff. At 1000 feet, you are cleared for operations. Good luck!" The radio crackled. "Danke! All fighter flights, Los!"

A group of P-51s, BF 109s, MiG-3s, and Spitfires that were brought in for the British moved down the runways before lifting off into the brightening sky.

Johnathan hugged Azumi. "I will make it back. I'm in my B-18 this time."

Azumi smiled sadly before kissing John on the lips. "Come back to me, John."

John returned the kiss before nodding. "Always. I love you, Azumi." The woman smiled before walking back to the Shimadas.

John motioned for his crew to start up the twin engines as he climbed into the pilot's seat. "All set! Pre-flight check complete, commander. Awaiting your order." John's co-pilot, Jacob Musk stated, glancing to John.

He  took a deep breath before speaking into his mic, switching to an open channel. "This is Commander Johnathan Smith of the United States Tankery's Air Corps. Operation: Rolling Thunder is a go. Authorization Code: One-Five-Two-Alpha-Foxtrot-Johnathan. Good luck."

The B-18 slowly moved to the end of the runway, followed by Stukas, more B-18s, Battles, and several Pe-8s on loan from the Russians. "Eagle Flight, you are cleared for take-off, wind is calm. At 1500 feet, all restrictions are lifted. Good luck, Commander Shimada."

"Copy, Tower. Wind is calm. Eagle Flight, let's get this show of fireworks on the road!" The B-18s began to rumble forward before lifting up into the air, heading towards their targets...

At Shiho's HQ

Shiho was looking at the Type 73s moving down from the transport ship before a woman ran up to her. "Headmistress! Radar has picked up a massive group of aircraft heading our way! They seem to be heading here!"

Shiho sighed. "Send our interceptors up. Send these heretics down to the ground." The woman saluted before rushing off. "Good... waste your force..." Shiho mused, not knowing what was about to happen...

The Black Fox, always by her aircraft, immediately entered the cockpit before taxiing onto the runway, immediately taking off with her wing of 109s lagging behind, trying to catch up. "Time to teach these heretics a lesson...."

Timeskip, 0855 hours.

Black Fox, with her flight, were flying in the general heading towards the incoming Western Air Force, but, unfortunately, cockiness kept many of the remaining Japanese aircraft on the ground.

Above, Helga and her squadron were watching. "Didn't learn the lesson... This is Luftwaffe Lead. Diving on enemy fighters. My squad, on me. Rest, continue with the mission." Helga then began to dive, with her squadron following closely behind.

Black Fox, looking straight ahead, widened her eyes as she sensed danger, breaking formation before two of her squad mates were shot out of the sky, their engines sputtering as the wings were sheered off from the tension. Several German 109s flew past before climbing up, using their momentum to regain the altitude advantage. "Damnit! After them!" The remaining Kuro fighters began to climb.

With the Bombers

John sighed, laying his eyes upon the city ahead. "All bomber groups... looks like the Fighters and Interceptors are tied up. Stukas and Battles, target AA emplacements and fuel silos. B-18s and Pe-8s, we are hitting the airfield." The former began to dive, the Stuka's sirens kicking up.

Shiho looked up at the sound of sirens before frowning. "Damnit... Get our fighters in the air!" The women rushed away to do their tasks before several bombs slammed into the nearest AAA position, sending the operators, shrapnel, and other items flying, forcing everyone to hit the deck. Shiho, concussed from the proximity, struggled to get up.

The AAA opened fired, sending deadly lead in the air around the Stukas and Battles, causing a Battle to burst into flames before having its bomb blowing up, obliterating the aircraft and the crew in it.

"Reminds me of the Invasion of Poland... Open bomb bay doors!" John commanded, with the level formationed bombers following suit. The formation was slowing down, to ensure more accuracy of the bombs, before flack surrounding the formation. "Damn! Prepare to drop!" John muttered.

Shiho, having recovered and rushed into her HQ, muttering. "Damnit! Get our fighter in the air, now!" She commanded before the ground rocked from the force of explosions. The runway, fuel silos, and hangers suddenly went up in flames, or in the case of the runway, began to be cratered by the bombs.

Shiho only looked on in disbelief as she looked at the hellscape that was suddenly in her backyard. "They... they actually have the ability to..." She clenched her fists before walking into her office.

John smirked at the damage his group has done. "All units, return to base. We will continue as soon as we are rearmed." The formation slowly turned back, heading north to return the base.

Throughout the next three days, the bombing continued, destroying several bridges, depots, and multiple barracks, destroying the moral of the Japanese, and killing or wounding a good amount. However, several Western Fighters and Bombers were lost to defensive AA fire and interceptions from operational interceptors.

ACT Three has begun, and the anti has increased! Who will win this slugfest before the Outside Forces intervene? I'll leave that up to the readers! I'll give it a week for y'all to comment!


15-25 Western Crew Members killed or missing, with Five Fighters and Seven Bombers

Over 100 Japanese killed, with over 300 wounded. Over 50 aircraft were lost, mainly on the ground.

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