Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Gill saw the town in the distance and his dread grew. The last week he’d been traveling with Jeb and the gang, Gill had allowed himself to forget his troubles and his worries. He’d laughed, he’d enjoyed friendship, acceptance and he’d enjoyed the pleasures of sharing a bed with the outlaw who’d stolen his heart. 

That could very well change very soon. 

Here in McGrady, Gill would have to send word back to the Rangers. But what word? Despite their need to figure things out, Pete and Gill had both seemed in denial and had chosen to avoid the topic altogether during the last week. 

Gill glanced over at Pete and saw that his friend seemed to be having the same worries he was as he sat rigid in his saddle and seemed to only be half listening to Jane as she spoke to him. 

Gill’s attention went to Jeb when the man rode close. His sharp green eyes were full of tender concern. “You want me to come to the station with you?” he asked, tilting his head toward the stagecoach office which also boasted of providing mail and telegraph services. 

“No,” Gill replied quickly with a shake of his head. “Pete and I can take care of it.” 

 Jeb’s expression became guarded as he moved away. “Okay. The rest of us will get the horses settled in at the livery and you and Pete can meet us there when you’re done.” 

Gill merely nodded, motioned for Pete and the two men broke away from the gang and headed toward the stage office. “So, brains, what exactly are we gonna tell them?” Pete questioned, maneuvering the horses around the carts and pedestrians on the surprisingly bustling streets of McGrady. 

It had been while since Gill had been to this town and he remembered it being a small, dusty nowhere kind of place--things had certainly changed and money had come their way judging by the freshly constructed buildings and the families milling about. 

Gill rubbed at his neck. “I ain’t thought that far ahead yet,” he admitted. “Hell, Pete, for once I don’t reckon I have what it takes to be the brains.” 

A broad grin split Pete’s stubble covered face. “Well hells bells! Does that mean I get to be the brains this time?” 

Gill sighed. Pete’s impulsive nature made this a dangerous endeavor but Gill simply didn’t have the energy to deal with it himself. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying.” 

“Well alright then. I say we get an envelope, we put your badge and my badge inside and write a short but sweet little note about how we lost the trail of the Crane Gang and we’ve decided to give up being Rangers after all these years of service so we can enjoy retirement.” 

“Retirement?” Gill frowned. “We’re not even thirty.” 

“Yeah and we’ve done more for the Rangers in the years we’ve served them than any team has before. I think we’ve earned retirement.” 

Heart of an Outlaw *First in the Crane Gang series*Where stories live. Discover now