Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five 

Jeb had never in his life felt the contentment that he felt riding with Gill beside him. He hated to admit it, and probably wouldn’t out loud, but his little brother had been right. Craig had told him he needed more than just the gang and their mission to be happy and Jeb knew now that what he’d needed was Gill. 

Gill was strong, he was capable, he could take care of himself and had a fierce loyalty to those he cared about--that was easy enough to see based on his friendship with Pete. But there was more. Gill gave Jeb something that he’d never had before--intimate companionship. Not just the physical aspects but the emotional as well. Jeb had never wanted that with anyone but Gill had awoken that desire within him. He wanted Gill to be his best friend--someone he could lean on and he wanted to be that person for Gill as well. 

Four nights they’d been sharing a tent and a bed every night. Four nights of holding the man close to him and whispering together in the darkness. He’d learned so much about Gill in that time. Learning what made the man tick, memorizing the nuances of his voice and facial expressions.

Jeb was so lost in his thoughts of Gill that he was surprised when he saw the man raise his hand and signal the gang to stop. He was even more surprised when everyone, even Willie, obeyed Gill. While things hadn’t been hostile the last few days, they certainly hadn’t been overly peaceful and friendly. It was clear that Craig and Willie were still hurt over what they saw as Gill’s lies, Willie was still being hateful Willie and Gill and Pete had simply been keeping their heads down and wait on everyone to accept them once again. 

“Why are we stopping?” Jane asked, adjusting herself in the saddle and sliding the back of her hand over her sweaty brow. 

“Gill sees something,” Pete replied while watching his best friend closely. Jeb followed Gill’s gaze and squinted hard. Far in the distance, barely more than dots on the horizon, he noticed several mule deer grazing. 

“I don’t see anything,” Willie grumbled. “Let’s just move, it’s hot in this damn sun.” 

Willie attempted to lead his horse forward but Wyatt blocked his path. He shook his head and put his hands up on either side of his head, splaying out his fingers. ‘Deer.’ he mouthed. 

“Why are we stopping for deer?” Willie grumbled. 

Gill sighed. “We haven’t had fresh meat in a awhile, I’m tired of jerked beef, we still have three or four days before we reach town and I’m hungry. Is your curiosity satisfied or does Wyatt need to keep practicing his sign language?” 

Jeb grinned when he saw the bright smile light up Wyatt’s face. Willie grumbled and Wyatt burst into silent laughter. Jeb frowned as he looked out at the Mule Deer once again. “I know you’re good with a gun, Gill, but your revolver doesn’t stand a chance at this range and you’ll never sneak up on them without them running off.” 

“Sounds like you lack faith in my abilities,” Gill stated. 

Jeb grinned. “Oh, I know all about your abilities,” he assured him with a wink, causing Gill to quickly look away and begin to pick at the worn leather of his saddle with embarrassment as chuckles filled the air around them. Jeb sidled up closer to Gill and nudged him with his elbow. “But even with your talent, I don’t see you hitting a deer from this different.” 

Heart of an Outlaw *First in the Crane Gang series*Where stories live. Discover now