Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight


          Gill shifted in his saddle. "I always heard stories about you, Major, but I honestly hadn't heard just what a coward you are."

          The Major cocked his head to the side. "Coward?"

          Gill nodded as he crossed his arms over his saddle horn and leaned forward. "Only one hell of a coward has to threaten an old lady to get what he wants."

          Gill spared a glance at his mama and saw her eyes narrow dangerously in his direction. He knew that if they lived through this, he was going to have hell to pay for calling her old. First he'd have to get her away from that man, away from that gun pointed into her side and away from the Major.

          "I'm not easily riled, Gill, so your attempts are quite pathetic. I have tasks that require your assistance and I'll use any means necessary to have your assistance."

          "And what exactly do you need my help with, Major? You don't have to use my mother to get your way. I served the Rangers for a long time..."

          Major Winfeild laughed. "Are you saying you'd do what your superior officer asks even without extra incentive? You retired, Gilliam. You sent in your badge. You murdered fellow Rangers."

          Gill's stomach soured at the memory. He still hated that it had come down to that. But it had either been those men or him and his newfound family—the decision hadn't even been a hard one.

          "What was I supposed to do, Major? I was supposed to be undercover and they found my badge. So I claimed I wanted out and sent the badge back."

          Major Winfield plucked at the thigh of his blue trousers. "And the other Rangers?"

          "Were not going to win that fight no matter what I did. I had to maintain my cover in order to save myself, my fellow undercover Ranger and help to bring down the gang I'd been sent to...."

          Major Winfield's laughter had Gill's explanation cutting short. "Stop! Please. I've had men watching you from the beginning. Captain J.T. Morgan might trust you but I never did. I know what you are, Gill. I know where your loyalties lie—and who you lie with."

          Gill rolled back his shoulders. "So you should also know that my mother and I haven't been close in years. What makes you think I'd sacrifice my loyalty to that gang just to save her?"

          Major Winfield stared hard at him a moment as if weighing what he said. Finally he shrugged. "Kill her."

          "No!" Gill exclaimed, leaping from his horse as the man holding his mama put that gun to her temple and she squeezed her eyes shut tight. Gill turned a pleading gaze to Major Winfield. "Don't. Please. Tell me what you want."

          Major Winfield leaned forward and the cold smile on his face sent shivers down Gill's spine. "Jebidiah Crane. Alive and taken to the base so I can string a rope around his neck and send him swinging for the world to see."

Heart of an Outlaw *First in the Crane Gang series*Where stories live. Discover now