Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two


          It was hard to tell if the horses or their riders were more rundown and fatigued when Maria’s home finally came into view on the horizon. Already a full day had passed since Wyatt had been shot and the man was hardly hanging on.

          Jeb didn’t want to think about what would happen if he were to die. Wyatt was like a brother to him and he was Craig’s best friend. They had already lost Uncle Billy….

          Jeb forced himself to stop thinking. Maria was going to save Wyatt. She had to. It had to mean something that this accident had happened so close to Maria’s home. Jeb had to tell himself that it was a sign that Wyatt would be fine.

          Gill and Willie had stayed behind to bury the dead Rangers and bring along the cart. Jeb didn’t like having Gill out of his sight but he knew that he had to be here now for his brother and Gill had to take care of the mess they’d left behind.

          Jeb would simply be biting the heads off of nails until Gill and Willie caught back up to them and Jeb could hold his man in his arms again and assure himself he was safe.

          Maria’s house was like a beacon of hope as the group brought their horses to a stop. Wyatt had lost consciousness hours ago and hadn’t been alert since as he sat on Craig’s horse and Craig held him steady.

          Jeb quickly hopped down and went to Craig’s horse, pulling Wyatt into his arms and carrying him to the front door. Maria was opening the door just as Jeb neared it and all five feet and ninety pounds of her came flying out in a flash of waving arms and flyaway graying hair.

          “What the devil has happened to that boy, Jebidiah? I told you that seeking vengeance was a fool’s game and only bound to get someone hurt. That boy was too sweet a boy to get caught up in it all.”

          “Yes ma’am,” Jeb acknowledged politely. Inside his heart was breaking and the guilt was nearly more than he could stand.

          “Well bring him on in here then and I’ll see what I can do.” Maria ushered Jeb inside and into a back room of the small cabin. He laid Wyatt’s still form upon the stiff wool blanket and Maria shooed him away. “I’ll take care of him. You get out of here now and go calm yourself.”

          Jeb left the cabin as Craig came in and went to the back room to help Maria see to his best friend. Pete and Jane were sitting on the porch and Jane was crying in her husband’s arms. Each tear that fell from her eyes and every sob that ripped from her chest sent a knife straight into Jeb’s heart.

          He took the horses by the reins and led them to the barn, desperate to have something to do to keep busy. He lit the lantern hanging inside the barn and removed the tackle from each of the tired beasts before giving them each a bit of fresh hay and oats that Maria always kept stocked up.

          Jeb’s hands were shaking and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold himself together when he finished with his task and stepped back out into the night. He took a deep steadying breath and nearly cried out with relief when Gill and Willie rode into view.

Heart of an Outlaw *First in the Crane Gang series*Where stories live. Discover now