Chapter Twenty One

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"Stay back," Poe said as he pushed his arm out in front of her. She scoffed and looked up at him.

Rey batted his hand away. "I can take care of myself."

The rock she had found on the ground was thin and slender, and many feet long. It felt like a heavier version of her staff. She twirled it among her fingers before firmly grasping it.

"They're blocking the escape," Poe sighed. He took a few steps towards the Resistance ship before sharp thuds echoed from within the First Order ship.

Rey gripped the rock staff and got into a battle stance. Whoever stepped on that ramp was going to get a beating, even if it was her bonded.

Her heart stopped at the thought.

He wouldn't have done this without telling her, would he?

Kylo Ren had tried to kill her before but he had never actually caused her harm in their duels. He went as far as to kill his master for the scavenger. They were making progress together. He had healed her for Maker's sake.

But then again, they were on opposing sides of the war. He was entitled to fight for what he thought was right even though she knew he was wrong. But he hadn't done that since Crait. He hadn't attacked.

She grew confidence in her bonded as a dark thought crept in. He had seen her surroundings when he healed her. She knew Kylo Ren was vastly intelligent and that even just catching a glimpse at a window could be enough for him to find the location of the Resistance Base. A bit of bubbling anger brewed in her stomach. She was enraged that he could betray her trust like that and she suddenly wished he was on the ship so she could beat him over the head with her rock staff.

Rey shook her head of the thought as the black, leather boots of the man in the ship entered her vision. She looked up and down to see a pasty fellow with a spark of red hair on the top of his head. His face contorted into an ugly shape as he scanned the room.

He looked at her and a smile formed on his thin lips. Yellow teeth stuck out and she grimaced at the sight. He looked truly disturbing.

"I've heard so much about you," The gross redhead remarked. He took a step forward, getting off of the ramp with two stormtroopers standing closely behind him. "You're much smaller than I anticipated."

Rey didn't say anything. She raised the rock staff to the level of her eye as a threat to the black clad man. He laughed a little.

Poe cleared his throat and approached the man. "What are you doing here, Armitage?"

The man snapped his neck at the mention of his name. He intertwined his leather covered fingers in front of him and let them hang in front of his legs.

"I'm here to visit an old friend." The man named Armitage replied. He glanced at Rey and returned his gaze to the pilot. "Thought I'd pick up a souvenir."

"I told you not to come." Poe stated.

"Well, I'm here." Armitage snarled, motioning to the cave with his hands.

"You promised you won't come." Poe once again stated through gritted teeth.

"I haven't been very good at keeping promises, have I?" The redhead spat.

"One of your many idiotic traits." The pilot replied sassily.

This seemed to strike a nerve in the First Order soldier as his bushy brows furrowed and his mouth popped open.

"You're one to talk!" Armitage roared.

Silence crept in for a second before the two men quickly became two little boys throwing around lousy insults to the other.

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