Chapter Twenty Two

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Poe rolled his head around his shoulders. He got in a fighting stance. "Let's fight, no weapons, no Force. Just you and I, traitor."

Rey frowned as she tossed her rock staff to the side. She closed her fists and puffed her chest, trying her best to show the confidence she did not have. She knew that she lacked physical strength in comparison to Poe and feared that without a weapon, she would lose.

They began to circle each other, slowly and creepily like prey and predator though Rey couldn't be sure which she was. Her movements were deliberately planned, her footsteps light and her mind already thinking of ways she could outsmart him.

Poe pounced first, throwing a fist to Rey's previously injured shoulder. She narrowly dodged it but felt his finger slide past her exposed skin. He took advantage of the shift to left and struck her side with the other hand. She backed away and hunched over for a second to catch her breath. She looked up to glare daggers at the pilot.

"Poe," Rey began. "You don't have to do this."

His nostrils flared as he moved to strike her arm, her actively blocking him from doing so. "Yes. I. Do."

Poe advanced again and Rey noticed his aim for her head. As she had done with the troopers, she ducked low and knocked him off his feet in one solid movement. She swiveled on her feet to see him squirm his way up. Anger was written over his once handsome features and she hated to see the way this would end.

He yelped as he went after her feet. She ran to the rock wall and used it to propel herself backwards, causing him to crash into the ground as she rolled away successfully. When Poe rose, blood trickled down his head and he snarled at her.

"Rey?" Kylo's voice echoed in her head as he responded to her previous calls.

Poe noticed her shift and pounced after her before she could properly react, his hands encircling her throat. She clawed at his fingers as her air pipes slowly closed. She tried to contact Kylo and let him know she was in danger but the lack of oxygen was creating a bigger problem. He lifted her head and crashed it down against the rock floor. The warm blood on her skull intensified. Her lungs grew as she fought for air. She felt the bruises on her neck already forming as he tightened his grip. She gurgled against his hold and it seemed to infuriate him more.

"You damn traitor!" Poe roared.

Her eyes bulged as her body quivered in fear. It felt as if her brain was being cut off from the rest of her body and she tried desperately not to fall into unconsciousness as Poe lifted her head to slam in down again. Her hair felt damp from the hot rush of blood. She released a hand to summon the rock staff she had before with as much energy as she could muster. It crashed in her hand, splitting open some of the skin but she didn't care. She felt the edges of her vision blur as she slammed the rock onto Poe's head.

His eyes widen as his mouth popped open. She struck him again and he collapsed on top of her. She rolled his body off of hers and fought for her breath. Her hands covered her throat as she sucked the air surrounding her in.

Her coughs were hysterical and she barely noticed the bond flicker on with Kylo until she felt a hand on her back. Rey rushed away before seeing him, her body visibly relaxing at his presence. He lifted her gently in his arms, carrying her to lean against a rock for support. She soaked in his body warmth as it tempted her into dozing off. Rey knew she couldn't fall asleep though, despite the pull she felt for it.

Once he set her down, she peered up to see the worry and anger on his face. His brow was creased and his lips parted. His cheeks were flared red and those warm, brown eyes she had slowly become accustomed to flared pitch black. He closed his lips as he made sure that she was as comfortable as she could be whilst lying on a rock. He rubbed her shoulder in smooth circles as he stared at the bruises on her neck. His hand moved to touch them, eyes flickering up at Rey for her approval to which he received a nod. The slender fingers barely grazed it and she shuttered at the touch, a mixture of utter pain and embarrassment.

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