Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Repeat it again." Connix asked sharply. She was standing firmly with her arms wrapped securely over her chest as she analyzed the words and actions people demonstrated before her.

A groan echoed throughout the room. Eyes turned to meet Raanan, his position mocking Connix's but with his head thrown back. "We have repeated this over six times, Ko! We do not know it any better now than we did an hour ago."

Her eyes narrowed at the nickname. They had been training for three weeks in preparation for the plan that was to take place tomorrow and the anxiety levels had never been higher. The lieutenant had them research and practice fighting thoroughly, working for hours each and everyday. After all the time spent together as a unit, the angsty twin had warmed up slightly to Connix, constantly asking questions to get to know her better. He figured out her middle name was Ko (not from her) and had been calling her that ever since, much to the dismay of the woman.

"Call me Ko one more time and I will have you repeat the plan five more times, Raanan." The lieutenant barked back but Rey saw the twinkle in her eye.

"Over dinner I presume!" Orion, the one eyed, mustache wearing alien, shouted out. The crowd started to chuckle as Connix's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. Raanan replied with a cool smirk.

"Enough!" She hissed at everyone. "This is not the time to be discussing dinner plans. We have friends to rescue and a war to win! We have trained too hard to let them rot in prison cells or die at the hands of that sick, twisted man!"

Rey winced. Connix was talking about Kylo Ren. Her heart hurt at the mention of him. She was still rattled from the dream she had of him last night and prayed to every Jedi she could name that she would not face him when they left tomorrow morning.

Rey stepped forward. "Look, Lieutenant, we trust you and your judgement very well but we're afraid that if we practice too much, we won't be prepared if the plan doesn't go the way we want."

Connix frowned. "What do you mean?"

"When you practice something so much and it doesn't go according to plan, you almost always never know what to do!" She said. "We need to be able to have flexibility."

The lieutenant began to tap her foot against the ground nervously, biting at her lip. "I suppose. I am struggling with the idea that you won't know what to do though."

"I can guarantee we all have the plan memorized front and back, am I right?" She asked the crowd to which an urgent reply of yes was shouted out.

"Okay..." Connix muttered. "Go rest. At 2000, the General and I have planned a meal and dancing for us to enjoy before we depart."

Smiles and happy smiles filled the room. Rey mouthed a 'thank you' to the girl before scurrying out of the room, Rose hot on her tail.

Rey loved Rose immensely but had to admit that ever since they took Finn, she had been with her constantly. The first week was full of moping and crying at the loss of her soulmate. The second was unrecognized hope and determination to get him back to her. And now, the third and final week, was Rose trying to focus on Rey so she didn't burst into a puddle of her own tears and anxieties.

Rey disliked this week the most. Her friend had been eyeing every attractive fellow on the base to set her up with, attempting to get her to flirt with them. She barely batted an eye, much to Rose's dismay.

Now, at the announcement of a dinner and a dance, the girl with the black hair was chasing Rey down.

"Rey!" She screeched.

The Jedi turned around with a contorted face as if she could feel her ears bleeding from the noise. "Yes?"

"There's a dance!" Rose cried.

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