Chapter Twenty Six

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It was snowing. White flurries encased the sky, dribbling effortlessly through the trees and blanketing the world around it in a bright, pale color. The sky was a miserable shade of gray but there was no sadness in the atmosphere. The only emotion was emptiness, raw numbness.

Rey stood in the middle of the cold. She wore tan clothes with a tunic arranged neatly around her torso, held together by a thick brown belt. On her shoulders was a thin shawl that covered her head, hiding the three buns she usually wore. Her quarterstaff was held loosely in her arms and she barely shivered despite the biting of the wind swirling around her.

Like the planet, she looked numb and empty. Unlike the planet, however, her heart and mind were racing with emotions. Anger, sadness, hurt and betrayal were the top of her list. Rey wasn't sure when one emotion ended and the other one began. They mixed together to create a monster of hormones, a beast fighting against the chains of the Light she held onto with stubborn fingers.

She understood in that moment, covered in chilling snow, why the Jedi were so adamant on limiting emotions.

Rey remained standing for what felt like hours, watching the scenery change. Snow still fascinated her as she had only just begun to know what it was. The flakes that fell onto her hands melted at the impact, their beautifully intricate pattern morphing into a drop of cold water. Her shawl was wet and did nothing to protect the liquid from touching her hair. But she didn't mind.

The silent moment was cut short when she heard the sharp sizzle of a lightsaber. Her blood ran cold as her muscles tensed. She knew who it was but didn't want to look.

Crunches of the snow filled her ears as the presence crept in until she could practically feel the warmth radiating from the lethal weapon. Rey forced her snow soaked boots to move her body, turning at least to see what awaited her.

There, with the snowflakes dotting his impressive uniform, was Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. His mask was on and the light reflected from the snow made it shine wickedly. The long black cloak he wore whimpered and fought against the wind. She felt his harsh eyes on her and held back a flinch at the thought. The red of his saber warmed his clothes the same color as well as the ground before him, encasing him in an evil halo that was utterly intoxicating. There was her angel of death.

"Ben." Rey stated confidently though the emotions swelling in her stomach begged her to vomit out her anxieties. She pressed through, unwilling to show this man any of her weaknesses.

He took a step forward, the snow crunch beneath him deafening. She stepped back. An altered sigh escaped the mask as he slide the saber through the ground. Rey watched as the snow turned into liquid. The weapon itself crackled and she saw the spits of fire it burst out. He turned it over in his hands, swinging it slightly side to side as he stepped forward once more.

The heat of the weapon flooded her body and she took several steps back to avoid it.

"Ben," She said again, more clearly.

He once again ignored her and began to twirl the red sword in elaborate shapes before leveling out to his eye. He pointed it down to face her.

"What are you doing?" Rey asked quietly. Her lip began to tremble and her eyes filled with tears. She started to slowly walk backwards as he stood firmly in his spot.

"You know exactly what I'm doing." The thick, deep and modulated voice cut through the air in an instant. Her breathe hitched in her throat. She shook her head.

"No," She said firmly. "No, this isn't Ben. He wouldn't hurt me."

"Even after all that you said to him?" The voice replied.

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