Chapter Thirteen

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"General," Rey began in a soft voice. Leia looked at her and nodded. "If Poe is talking to someone from the First Order, aren't you afraid that he's going to reveal the location of the base?"

Leia smiled at the woman and then whistled to gather everyone's attention. "Rey has brought up an excellent point. Yes, I understand that there is a possibility that Poe will tell someone at the First Order the location of our base. That is another reason why I don't want us going to get him. If a group of us go, and it's usually our strongest warriors that like these missions, they will leave us helpless and low on people. That means we would lose multiple people just to save one. Those numbers scare me."

The same young girl as before pressed forward with another question. "Why wait to tell us now, General? All of the ships are loaded."

Leia sighed once more, something she had been doing repeatedly during this very hectic conversation. "That is something I take responsibility for. I should have told you sooner and I apologize. Truthfully, I didn't make up my mind until late last night and then was rapidly trying to prepare this meeting. I hope you forgive me."

A chorus of gruntled acceptances and apologies answered her and she seemed satisfied. She clapped her hands together. "That's all I have for you today, ladies and gentlemen. I'm going to let us relax for the remainder of the day but tomorrow, we will begin preparations for our search and defense of the First Order. Enjoy today."

Members shuffled out of the large room, still upset but no longer mad. Rose quickly escorted a still fuming Finn who couldn't control the loud cursing that came out of his mouth in regards to the pilot. Rey started to leave.

"Rey?" Leia asked. She turned around to look her General in the eyes. "May we speak privately for a moment?"

"Of course, General." Rey replied, walking back to her and standing by her side. They waited until it was just them and See-Threepio in the room. His metal body awkwardly clanked towards her.

"Princess Leia, is there anything else you request of me?" His metallic, accented voice rang out.

"No, Threepio, you are completely clear. Do you mind if you leave Rey and me alone for a moment or so?" She kindly replied. Rey could tell she held a lot of love for the bot before her and it reminded her of Bee-Bee Ate.

"No problem!" Threepio replied, nodding his shiny, gold head. He then proceeded to bow in acknowledgement. "Princess, Lady Rey."

Rey blushed as he hobbled out of the room. Awkward silence filled the room for a few moments before Leia sat down on a chair, Rey quickly following.

"These old knees," Leia laughed aloud, rolling her hand around the joint. "They will be the death of me!"

Rey smiled softly. "General, what is it you wanted to talk about?"

"Ah yes," Leia said through tight lips. Her expression went from light hearted to serious and it caused a bit of worry to run through Rey's body. "I wanted to ask you for something."

"Anything." she responded.

"That's the thing-" She said, taking a break before speaking. "I don't know if this will work."

Rey shrugged. "Couldn't hurt to ask, could it?"

Leia looked up at her expectantly before pursing her lips. "Rey, do you think, perhaps, you could figure out the location of the new First Order base through your connection with my son?"

Rey opened her mouth and frowned. Her brows creased and she hated that she had to shake her head negatively. "I'm sorry General, but I cannot do that."

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