Chapter Forty Two

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*warning- there is a brief sexual harassment in this chapter. it's quick and more to show kylo's protective care for rey. if that makes you uncomfortable, i totally understand, feel free to skip through it (it starts at brendol hux and then ends with stormtroopers pulling him away) or skip the chapter if you need. take care of yourself :)

"I swear I'm going to throw up," Rey whispered as soon as they left the balcony, Kylo's hand still on the small of her back. Her own hand went up to feel her face, which was raditating heat.

"If you do, avoid your dress. There are still people to meet," he stated. "Do you need a moment before we head down there?"

She looked up at him and saw he was genuinely asking, his brow creased in worry. She nodded feverishly, feeling so incredibly shaky. "Yes, yes please. I just feel so nervous still."

"I understand. But you were great. Not a single person looked up at you with a malice expression, unless they were jealous that you are my date and not theirs." Kylo said smoothly.

She snorted. "Yeah, okay."

"I'm being serious, Rey."

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, whatever. I think I'm feeling better now."

He nodded and extended his arm to her. "Shall we?"

Rey took his arm and they descended down the set of stairs that were next to the balcony entrance. He told her it would lead them into the ballroom, near their seating. As they walked, she took soothing breathes to clam her racing heart and instead focused on the gentle warmth from Kylo's arm that lead her down each step. His scent flooded her nostrils again and she sighed in relief at what was bringing her comfort in this moment.

Soon, a stormtrooper opened the door that lead them to the ballroom and she found her eyes darting around to take it all in. She couldn't find any recognizable face immediately and she held on tighter to Kylo's arm.

"It's okay, Rey," he chuckled. When she squeezed harder, he covered his mouth to silence the laugh.

"Quit laughing at me! I don't know these people and they could hate me!" Rey exclaimed, lightly hitting his arm.

"Let them come to you. Right now, let's just find our seats. Dinner is bound to happen soon." Kylo responded, guiding her through the crowd.

Women and men were dressed lavishly. Gowns draped off of bodies and suits hugged every arm attached. The woman laughed at the men's jokes, throwing their heads back and making a point to touch the forearms of their company. The men stood with smug smiles of their faces, offering to grab the woman a drink or asking who she came with. Those who weren't giggling wildly sulked with whoever they stood next to, whispering and sneering at anyone they could.

"The First Order certainly grabs a lot of interesting characters," she observed.

He stifled a snort. "That we do. Half of the people here just came to see if they could gain power through knowing people and the other half came became they were forced in some way or another. Here we are."

He had led them to two spots that had their names sewn into the napkins on top of their plates.

"Why are we settled at the end of the room?"

The tables went all around the corners, leaving a wide area in the middle for dancing. At the end was a table that was slightly higher than the others.

"Those are the seats for the higher ups, including us," he answered.

"I don't want to sit up there!" Rey whined.

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