Chapter Forty Nine

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"Start meditating, I'll make sure they don't break the door down while you do it," Ben stated clearly despite his visible anxiety.

Rey nodded and quickly sat down on the ground. She couldn't do this while standing up. She was going to need as much energy as her body could muster and she surely wasn't going to waste that on standing.

Deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. She slowly closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation of filling and emptying her lungs. With one sense gone, she could truly focus on the one the Force provided her with. It's being swirled around her, effortlessly dancing around her and pulsating with whoever held it. It was a lazy stream but when accessed, it became a strong tool she had used countless times before.

Her attention was broken when a sharp noise echoed through her ears, causing her to shot her eyes up in shock and surprise. The door had been sliced in half with whatever weapons the knights carried and she saw her Ben stand his ground as he quickly mended it. He looked back to her and worry crept over his features.

"Keep going!" he cried.

With fresh anxiety, Rey tried to get back into her meditative state. She couldn't let her surroundings dictate her focus.

Soon, she found herself floating hopelessly in a blank atomsphere, wandering slightly. She walked around, noticing the dull lights of other's names written neatly in the sky. Seemingly out of nowhere, she felt a harsh heat. Rey turned around to see six names messily scratched out, a red light that spit fire glowing from each. With horror, she recognized those names to be the Knights of Ren, the ones fighting to get into that room. But she mustn't waste time. She had to find the one she was so fond of.

It didn't take her long before the now bright yellow light shone like a beacon of hope before her eyes. The curvature of his name was cleaned up from the last she saw it and the dull red of his was now a vibrant and welcoming shade that drew her in and made her feel safe. Without even thinking, she stretched forward and wrapped her thin fingers around it. An electrifying buzz made her body shiver, her knees buckling even though she was sitting. As she remembered what she needed to do, she brought her own Force signature forward and looped it tightly around her bonded's, making sure that it was done neatly and securely. It was as if she was braiding the strands together and as she did, she felt the shaking power within her rise.

Tying it with a bow, Rey opened her eyes and searched for Ben's. He stood up sharply and turned to her, clearly feeling the same intense warmth and strength. It was as if they could fight off anything.

"Are you ready?" Ben asked.

She nodded. "Open the door."

In one shift, the knight pounded against it tumbled against the ground, glowing axe laying on the ground haphazardly. Three swarmed in the room quickly, shifting their weapons in their hands and sliding their heads around their necks as if to take away the tension before the fight. Rey just thought they looked cheesy.

"So," one of them drawled, his modulated voice cutting through the air. He rolled his scythe around in his hand, the blade slowly turning like a windmill. "This is the girl everybody keeps talking about. The one that made you leave the Dark Side, Ren? I don't see why."

"Oh Vicrul, always the one with the rude comments. If you wanted to fight someone, fight them, don't draw it out just so you can gain some confidence," Ben bit back, raising his eyebrow sharply.

The one with the blaster laughed. "Bold of you to be making such sarcastic remarks even as you approach death."

"Who said anything about dying?" Rey interjected, cocking her head to the side before running forward. Ben caught on and did the same.

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