Chapter Thirty

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Rey trekked back to her room, one hand over her chest with the family heirloom, the other one holding on to her heels. She was holding on to the feeling she named hope.

She made it to her room and plopped immediately onto her bed. The tan walls that encompassed here were unassuming and uninviting. The room she was settled into was similar in that way. A small bed with a thick comforter and blankets huddled together was in a corner with a wood bed side table resting just to the left of it. There was a single lamp on it as well as the smallest of the Jedi texts. She had a dresser that held her two outfits and random clothes. A mirror was on top of it. A large door was in the corner that connected to her private bathroom where the tan color continued on.

The room was boring and basic but she enjoyed it all the same.

From the bed, Rey chucked her borrowed sandals towards her dresser. The shoes hit them and tumbled on the floor, a couple inches away from each other.

Then, she fell asleep. Her body hit the sheets and her consciousness left her. It was an uneventful sleep. Hours later, Rey woke up with a sour expression on her face. She felt anxiety twirling in her stomach and she did not want to deal with it. She yawned and heard her jaw pop. Suddenly, she was very aware that she still had makeup on and her hair was still held together by pins.

Slowly, Rey reached up to start undoing her hair. She took it out and stuck it in three buns, a hairstyle she was confident in. She slipped out of her dress and into a plain white and tan outfit with a dark belt and dark boots to match. She wiped off the makeup until the dark bags under her eyes were staring back at her. Then, she found her little tan bag that she brought with her on trips and began to tumble her belongings in there. All she had was a snack, a pen and paper as well as the Jedi text. She made sure the necklaces were firmly around her neck and used a bit of tape to keep them secure underneath her shirt. She threw the bag over her shoulder.

Rey moved to head out but stopped to glance at herself in the mirror. She looked tired and worn out. Her eyes were sunken in and her cheeks looked hollow. Her eyes traveled up her arm and she noticed how thin it looked. Had she been losing weight and not noticing? A sigh escaped her lips. Rey knew what it was like to have her weight fluctuate, years of Jakku taught her so. Still, seeing that she was returning to her skeletal state made her sad. She figured it must've been from her constant stress, as she never ate much when she was worried.

Rey sighed again but continued to walk out the door. The hallway was quiet as she treaded through the base, heading for the hanger where everyone agreed to meet rather early in the morning. She enjoyed the solitude. It was a breath of fresh air of what was to come.

The thick metal door of the hanger came into view as she rounded the corner. She pulled it open.

Surprisingly, Rey was the last one to arrive. Huddled around a table with Connix standing near the front, was there little group. They looked up to her and smiled, Rose giving her the smallest.

"Sorry," Rey blushed as she sat in between Rose and Raanan. "I didn't think I'd be late."

"No worries." says Connix. "We aren't due to leave for another standard hour."

Rey looked confused and glanced at Rose curiously. She whispered just loud enough for her to hear, "Why is Connix so lax today?"

Rose suggestively moved her eyebrows. "She went out with Raanan last night, remember?"

"Oh." Rey said, her eyebrows furrowed together as she thought it out. The thought processed and her mouth popped open. "Oh!"

"Shhh!" Her friend said.

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