Chapter Thirty Nine

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Rey had returned to her room by 09:30, leaving her the rest of the day to fool around mindlessly in her new living space. Kylo said he would accompany her at lunch since he had some more important things to share. She assumed he would have dinner with her as well. The next few days looked like they were going to be full of fast paced new knowledge or dreaded waiting. She was not looking forward to it.

Rey proceeded to spend the next hour or so opening every drawer, cabinet and desk she could. She discovered fully stocked everything. As she knew, the closet and dresser was painfully full. The vanity that she had spotted in the corner was also full of what she assumed to be makeup products. There was a few questionable things though. She didn't quite understand what waxing strips were and when she asked Atey, she was horrified that she had ever considered using it, especially in the areas she didn't know she could wax. There were also a few small jars full of muddy clay that was supposed to be great for her skin but she was skeptical of those too.

The bathroom had every hair piece she could think of, ranging from bows to hairties and elaborate clips that she tried on and promptly ripped off her head after she saw how she looked. There was an assortment of metal sticks, some with clips, some fat and some thin, some wide and some very tall. Rey picked them up and tried thinking of a use for them but fell short, resulting in her asking Atey once more. She was so startled to learn they were hair tools that applied heat to her hair to shape it. While she could see the use, she couldn't understand how someone would use it.

The bathroom had such a variety on toothpaste, feminine products, first aids and more that she couldn't simply see how it would be easy to choose any of them.

The living room held a wide variety of holo books and movies, she found herself just staring at the beautiful colors of the covers and throwing away the ones she thought could be related to First Order propaganda. There was a small desk in the corner of the room she hadn't noticed yesterday and in there she found more pens and papers than she was used to seeing. Kylo had certainly fully stocked this room with anything he could think she would need and she was shocked by it.

Rey settled on the couch after an hour of looking around with a book she had found in her extensive little library. She had picked up a simple little history book about mind tricks within the Force. It discussed the differences between the Jedi's methods and the Sith's. She was very interested in it and quickly sat down to read it but after about an hour and a half, she got rather bored. Her eyes needed a break, she had ended up reading the same paragraph over and over, she wasn't sure she was retaining any of the information.

Rey slowly got up and trekked to her bedroom, wondering if she could catch a half hour's chunk of sleep before Kylo came in for lunch.

She plopped on her bed, which was now made by Atey and inhaled the clean scent of the sheets. She was going to enjoy that aspect of the First Order living.

Rey turned her head over and made eye contact with her nightstand before a curious thought overcame her. She had never checked her nightstand for any of it's belongings. With the newfound curiosity, she found herself sitting up and leaning over to open the drawer.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She found a few simple things she recognized, a journal and a pen. There was a flashlight and a first aid kit but then there was something else, something new. There was a small cylinder item, no longer than the cigarettes she had seen people smoke. It was pink and round on the edges with a smooth texture. There was a small button on the bottom of it. Twisting it in her hand, she pressed it and jumped in shock. The pink egg had begun to vibrate.

"Now what have you found?" A deep voice asked with slight amuesment in his voice.

Rey jumped again and instantly flushed red, like she found something she shouldn't have. "I-I don't know. I pressed a button on it and it just started vibrating!"

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