Chapter Eight

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"If you don't know much about Yavin but want to be apart of the crew, come up front." Rey said, motioning for people to crowd towards her. "If you don't want to go, please start loading up a ship or two for our departure. The more we work as a team, the faster we can get Poe home."

People immediately disbanded into two groups. One smaller circle encompassed Rey as individuals who wanted to help personally came forward. The other group were people making a list for how to prepare ships for the crew that were to head out. She felt oddly proud that so many people had actually listened to her words. Leadership was a quality that was new to Rey as she never had to use it much before. She had to admit that she was enjoying it and loved the community it created.

She turned her focus back on the people standing near her. She motioned for them to sit down at a large table and they all did. Quickly, before she forgot, she rose to grab a sheet of paper and a pen to write down any notes on the meeting ahead. At the base, Leia had been teaching her how to write and she was so thankful and knew she had to take any opportunity to practice.

She cleared her throat once she sat down and began to speak. "Alright, thank you for everyone who wants to help. It really does mean a lot." Rey gave them a sincere smile. "Now, if you know Yavin, put your hand in the center of the table."

Three hands crept into the middle and she nodded when she saw them. "Thank you. Okay, we need to know your names and what you know of this planet. Let's go left to right."

The members turned their gaze to a small being whose hand was on the far left. A young man with dark skin and long, white hair looked up at her with fear in his eyes. He pointed at his chest, not sure if he was to be the first one to speak. "Me?"

Rey nodded, encouraging him to speak. "Yes, please."

He took a large gulp before adjusting in his seat. "Oh, well my name is Jenkins and I was born there and stayed until I was about 17. It's a jungle planet and the trees are very thick. Like, we will need to find an area with zero trees to land the ship or send a few people down to cut at some leaves because there is no way we will be able to shove a ship in without crashing."

Rey scratched down this information messily on the paper before her. She sighed irritably when the ink started fading out. She glided it over the paper rapidly to try and encourage ink but nothing happened. She went harder but the paper started to rip at her force and she grunted, throwing the pen on the table with a huff.

"Geez, why didn't you just ask me to take notes," Rose teased lightly. She fetched a new sheet of paper and took the pen. She applied minimal pressure and patiently waited for the ink to resume flowing, which it did within seconds. Rey opened her mouth with frustration.

"Well, it's not my fault the pen doesn't like me." She stated, her eyes fixated at Rose curving out letters with ease and creating notes that were equally eligible and beautiful. She pursed her lips in bitterness before turning her attention back to the group. "Sorry about that guys. Anyways, thank you Jenkins."

He nodded. "No problem."

Rey turned her attention to the man sitting besides Jenkins. He looked creepily similar and she wondered how she hadn't recognized that before. There were only two strikingly different features between the two, this man had a buzz cut, the white stubble on his head peaking out, and black eyes while Jenkins had long, flowing hair and green eyes. She waved her hand between the two.

"Are you two..?" Rey trailed off, waiting for a response.

"Yes, we're twin brothers." Jenkins nodded along. He gestured to his twin. "This is-"

"Raanan." he said coolly.

"Yeah but I just call him Ra." his brother continued lightheartedly.

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