Chapter Five

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Rey had been anxiously waiting to speak with Kylo for weeks. Each day, a new wave of anger, annoyance and worry plagued her as she hadn't gotten a single signal from him. He had placed a block where she couldn't hear his thoughts, even when he was sleeping. This alone frightened her as he had never been able to do that before. And he had clearly been avoiding her as she had reached out a few times only to receive static on his end.

She knew the next time she saw him, she would give him a good, harsh talking to for not at least providing reasoning for his absence. She knew they couldn't speak with each other constantly but he could of told her that he would be immensely busy and unable to speak. Apparently that was too much for the First Order's Supreme Leader. She pushed these annoyances to the back of her mind, too bitter to be bothered with thoughts of him.

Thankfully, her time hadn't been dedicated to being annoyed with her bonded. Rey had been tinkering at Luke's broken lightsaber in desperate attempts to repair it but to no avail. It's broken parts still lay scattered upon her desk, along with her hopes of fixing it.

The rest of her hours were a mix of conversing with her friends on the base and meditating. She was unable to fully train yet, as her nurse decided to leave the stitches in for a couple more days, so she had spent hours on the mountains, absorbing as much as she could from the Force. She had tried analyzing the Jedi book but knew she would not be able to understand much without Kylo, which only increased her anger towards him.

General Leia and her had spent a few lunches together talking about her and Kylo's odd relationship. For some reason, Leia was under the impression that their bond was a romantic one. This came to a shock to Rey and she had to reassure her general that she had no feelings for the man, to which the general laughed and told her to wait it out before making a decision. She just decided to ignore that aspect when it came to talking about the details with her.

Finn and her had also had some long conversations about Rose. The stress of their surroundings had been confusing him so much he had pushed his true desires to the very back of his mind. Rey and him were able to recognize what they actually were. With a better understanding of his true feelings towards the girl, he decided to confront her and reveal he too was interested in pursuing a relationship. This made Rey giddy. Two of her close friends were on the brink of dating and she was thrilled, teasing them both a little about the other when she saw them.

Poe, however, did not seem as happy about this new development but hadn't said anything to her about why. She suspected that maybe he was sad he didn't have anyone to spend his time with in a romantic fashion. She had this wild idea of setting him up but needed more time to find a reasonable woman before begging Poe to go on a date.

The Resistance itself was taking a break from planning another possible attack on the First Order. Every member was drained of energy from the last encounter and it was safe to say their enemy was feeling the same way. They still were looking out for any advances from them but did not try and initiate a fight.

Rey sucked in her breath and packed a small bag in her room, deciding to go and meditate once more on the mountain. She threw in the pieces of Luke's broken lightsaber as well as the Jedi text and some food in a brown satchel. She had been carrying these items with her every time she went on the mountain in case a new peak of interest in these things would encourage her to work on them. So far, she only had one burst of energy when reading the Jedi text and it was short lived.

When leaving her room, she came in contact with Rose, who was still weak from her injury but bustling with happiness. Rey lit up at the sight of her and the two girls quickly gathered themselves in a tight embrace.

"Hey, you!" Rose exclaimed, releasing Rey and looking her up and down. She gave a small glance to her bag and placed knowing eyes upon the scavenger. "Are you going up the mountain again?"

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