Chapter 25.

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Q and I were both on our own beds doing different things, Q's bed was the one near the window, He turned on the tv and started watching Ghostbusters, I was on my laptop on tumblr, scrolling through posts. Hailey was texting me non stop about Q and it got kind of annoying.

"Hey Brian." I said

"Yeah?" He turned to me

"What is it like to be famous?"

"I wouldn't really call myself famous.. Just well known. But it's like you don't have much privacy but it's really cool how much people look up to you. Why?"

"I just wanna be famous one day, but I don't know for what. I'm not good at anything."

"You're good at fashion designing. After all you did go to college to study that."

"Yeah but I don't know if I want to be known as a fashion designer. I want to change people's lives you know?"

"You can change people's styles which kind of changes their lives." He laughed

"No but really no matter what you do. You will change the world." He smiled then continued watching his movie.

I sat there thinking about Q. We are both in a hotel room together, both having feelings for one another. I wonder if one of us is going to make a move while we are here. I hope he does, I'm too scared to do anything. It's the only thing we could do that would be possibly interesting.

"You know what, I'm gonna get something to eat, do you want anything?" I asked

"Bring me back a ham sandwich?" he asked


I grabbed my bag and went out into the hallway. As I was walking some girl pointed in my direction then ran over to me.

"Oh my god! You're Brian Quinn's girlfriend aren't you?" she asked

"Uhm.. kinda." I said

"Can we please take a picture together?"


We took a quick picture then she thanked me and ran off. I'm getting noticed! Woo! For being his girlfriend even though I'm not. Fan girls need to get better information these days.

I walked downstairs to the lobby where they also had a little store selling food. I grabbed two sandwiches and two coffee's. I went back upstairs. I kicked the door twice because there was no way I could open it. Q opened it.

"Oh here let me help." He grabbed the coffee's from me

"Thanks." I walked in and set everything down

"For a second I thought you forgot your key."

"Haha no."

I sat down on my bed and started eating, hotel's are fun when you're a kid but now as an adult it's super boring. Especially if you can't tell the guy you love that you love him.

"Oh yeah this girl came up to me just a few minutes ago, asking for a picture." I said

"Really? See you already are famous!" He said with his mouth full.

"She thought I was still your girlfriend that's why."

"Oh. What did you say?"

"Uh... I... I said no of course..."

"Oh haha ok. It would be fine if you said that you were."

"Oh good."

Night time fell quickly but there was no way I was tired. I was all ready for bed, makeup off and everything. I just stared at the snow falling, while laying on my side. It was so peaceful. Brian turned also to his side but he was staring at me.

"Haha what?" I asked

"Has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?" he asked

"I think I've been told that before. Thanks."

"Anytime. So you're not sleepy either?" He asked

"Well it is only 9 and I'm not asleep."

"Oh Miss sassy mouth."

"Sorry." I looked away

"I didn't mean it, I was just kidding."

"Yeah no, I know it's not that what I'm sad about."

"What are you sad about?" He sat up concerned

"It's really nothing."

"If it's making you sad then I don't like it."

"Can I lay in your bed? I just need some company and I'll be fine." I asked, I hope that wasn't too forward. I didn't want to exactly tell him what I was thinking.

"I got a spot right here for you." He smiled and lifted up the covers. I crawled next to him, sat up, and covered myself.

"Thank you." I said

"Hey, I'll always be here." I grabbed my hand

"I won't forget it." I smiled


Short chapter because not much happens. But please keep reading! It will get so much better!

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