Chapter 4.

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The sound of the door bell woke me up.

"Zoey, can you get that?" Asked my mom


I got up and went to answer the door, I noticed I wasn't even dressed, I was still wearing my pjs. Ah crap. I opened the door anyway. It was grandma and Jeffery.

"Hi gran...."

"Oh boy it's cold out." She pushed me aside and came in.

"How are you Miss Zoey?" asked Jeffery


"Chin up, darling." He smiled and walked inside. I closed the door and rushed upstairs.

I threw off my pjs and put on my dark blue jeans and a red sweater. I put on my brown boots and brushed my hair. I threw on some light makeup and then went back downstairs. My mom and grandma were making small talk while Jeffery sat and listened. I went over and sat next to him.

"So how was college dear?" He asked

"Fun, but I missed home."

"I can assume. I'm sorry to hear about mister Brian and you."

"That's ok. It wasn't meant to be."

"Don't say that. Things may turn around."

"I hope so."

After a couple hours we were sitting at the table, my cousins and their spouses talking about my father. The children making loud noises, not knowing what happened, Feeling joy inside even though it's very tragic. Some of them said sorry for the loss to me and made small talk but I wasn't a big talker today.

We passed around the turkey and said thanks and all we were grateful for. My mom seemed happy even though it wasn't a very happy day. She was drinking more than usual and I didn't like that.

"Mom, not too much now." I smiled, showing I wasn't gonna be a bum all night.

"Finally some words from you." said one of my cousins

"You can have some wine too, if you want, Zoey." She said

"No thanks."

I didn't really drink much, it tasted bad too. Also any type of alcohol reminded me of Q and I didn't want to have more bad things come to mind right now. The turkey was all gone and so was everything else, I noticed that they ate so much that I could notice their bellies were about to pop. It wasn't a pleasant sight. I unlike them, ate nothing, well maybe some pieces of turkey and pumpkin pie but I had no appetite. I was too filled up with misery.

When everyone cleared their plates and went to the living room to talk and watch their children play, I stepped outside for a minute. Maybe fresh air could help. I sat down on the front steps and watched the cars go by and the stars sparkle. This felt good to be alone and just cry. I cried a little but not too much so my makeup wouldn't get smudged and I didn't want anyone to come out and talk to me either. I glanced across the street, I saw the curtains shut close right when I glanced up. Was someone watching me? I hope so. I would love if one of them came and talked to me. But I was certainly not going to make any first moves. I went back inside and helped my mom clean the dishes, then I went upstairs. Everyone was partying till the children eventually fell asleep on the couch. I could tell they still weren't leaving.

I took off my makeup and threw on my pjs I had on before. I took out my laptop and went on Twitter. I still liked to look at what the guys tweet. It makes me feel that I'm with them still. They all have tweeted atleast twice. I stopped retweeting and favoriting all their tweets like I used to awhile ago. I didn't want them to think I was a stalker. Even though I kinda was. It was 11 and everyone was still partying, even Q's lights were on. Will I ever get over him? Probably not.

I put my laptop back on my desk and went to sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I went to bed crying that night, my father was all that I could think about. Boy I missed him.

The next day we talked about his funeral and then finally a couple weeks after that we had it. Seeing my dad being lifted into the ground was heart breaking and I only had my mom to support me. She was crying a little more than me, I was always the strong one in the family but I didn't think I was this strong. I love my dad, I love him so much and I just can't bare this right now. I couldn't bare this sight. I broke my strength and fell to the floor, people tried to pick me up but it was no use. I wasn't going to budge. Only my father would be able to pick me up but that wasn't going to happen. Days after that passed and soon we stopped talking about dad. We didn't want to be reminded of the sad times but I wish we could remember him every once in awhile, so he wouldn't feel forgotten. But nothing changed.

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