Chapter 29.

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December went by quick. Brian and I spent most of our time either texting or hanging out together along with Sal, Joe, and Murr. I felt like part of the gang again! It was December 31st, New Year's Eve! Which meant that we were on our way to New York City today!
We planned a whole day in New York and then later going to watch the ball drop in Times Square, I definitely knew I was getting my first ever New Years kiss! I woke up excited at 7 in the morning just so I could get ready. We were all supposed to meet up at Joe's around 10.

I got into the shower and then put on my natural makeup. I then dressed in black high waisted pants and a black tank top with a zip up white hoodie. I grabbed the warmest coat I could find and threw it on the chair in the kitchen so I wouldn't forget it. I put my wallet and phone in the zip up pockets it had and then decided to eat some breakfast. I gave Cooper some of his dog food and water. By the time I was getting out the chocolate chips for my
pancakes the doorbell rang. I opened it.

"Good morning!" it was Q

"How did you know I was up?" I asked

"You're an early bird, I had an instinct." He grabbed my face and kissed me.

"Mm I love these types of mornings." I said smiling and closed the door

"As do I. Are you making breakfast?"

"Yeah want some pancakes?"

"Chocolate chips and all?"

"What other way is there?"

"Ah you're perfect." He sat down while I started to mix everything

"No one's perfect."

"No, everyone is flawed but your flaws are what make you perfect."

"Stop it cheeky monkey!"

"Speaking of cheeks. I love those two right there." I turned around and he was pointing at my butt

"You know what I love?"

"No what?"


"Aw stop it." He laughed

I put the pancakes on two plates, grabbed 2 cups of coffee, and sat down next to him.

"Thanks babe." he said

"Anytime. So why are you up so early?" I asked taking a bite

"Well I wanted to wake up early to see you."

"You would've seen me later any way."

"Shush I'm trying to be cute."

"Trust me you're no Q..T." I laughed at my horrible joke

"Hey! Don't be mean on New Year's Eve!"

"I'm just getting rid of the old me, that's all."

"Don't be one of those people who are all like. New Year New Me crap. I love you right now and I do not want you to change."

"Sometimes change is good." I finished eating and threw the plates in the dish washer.

"And sometimes change isn't necessary."

"Why is it that we always get deep talking to eachother?"

"Want a different deep then?" Q winked putting his coffee cup in the sink

"Maybe later." I poked his chest.

We spent the time talking about anything and then at 9:30 we decided to get going. I threw on my jacket and said bye to Cooper.

"Let's take my car." said Q petting Cooper on the head

"Alright." We went across the street to his car and got in.

Later we arrived at Joe's and the only person there was Murr. Q told me to head up while he locked the car. I knocked on the door.

"Hi Zoey!" said Joe

"Hey." I smiled and went inside, I was Immediately greeted by Cannoli and Biscotti. I gave both of them a hug and then sat down next to Murray.

"How's the hairy man?" he asked

"He's great, where's your girlfriend?" I giggled

"Out of town..."

"Right." I laughed, I saw Q come in as Joe greeted him.

"Is Sal still not here?" asked Q

"Nope he's here, he's just invisible." said Joe

"I didn't ask for your sarcastic comment Donut boy!"

"Speaking of donuts..."

"No we don't have any." said Q laughing

"Does anyone want something to drink?" asked Murr

"Some water." I said

"A beer for me." said Q sitting next to me

"Joey want anything?"

"Nothing as for drinks but if someone would go out and get some food for me. That would be great."

"Would you chill. We are gonna go out and eat the minute we get to the city."

"That's if, prissy man comes. Sal's always late."

Q put his hand on my knee, which caused me to get chills. Murr came out and gave us some drinks. While Joe was about to call Sal, the door bell rang and then a grumpy Sal came in.

"Hey what took you so long?" asked Murr

"Shutup, I had a rough morning."

"Aw why?" I asked concerned

"I'll tell you all in the car, let's go."

We got up in a hurry and entered Joe's van.

Joe and Murr sat up front, while Q and I sat behind and then Sal was behind us, alone. I felt kinda bad for him, I felt like I was in the way. Joe turned up the radio to Iggy Azalea's song Fancy and we were off to the big apple.

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