Alice's POV

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It was lunchtime, so the Wizard that had talked to me for an hour and a half took to the lunch hall, not really your usual school canteen lunch hall, but a beautiful and spacious hall that looked like something out a fairytale.

The hall was large, with beautiful purple and pink roses wound there way up the clear, crisp white marble walls, brown oak beams on the ceiling that held a crystal like glass roof. Wooden oak flooring covered the whole floor. On the oak floor where three long oak tables with thousands of plates of food, from meat and fish, to vegetables and sides. At the end of the room, where three tall seats made of gold.

I was pulled out of my thoughts, when an elf woman came up to me and bowed whilst asking "may I be so bold as to ask if you would like to join us for lunch?" Happy at the thought of learning more of this new world I found myself in, I quickly nodded my head. Too shocked by the beauty of the hall.

When we came to the end of one of the long tables and sat down, with a group of elf woman all long light blue or light green dresses, that I suspected to be her friends, the way they greeted us. Before we said anything and loud giggle erupted from behind me, the Elf woman said sadly "I so pi....." the olive skinned woman with long black hair gave her a warning look and hissed "Lyra Sarxalim, this is not the time nor the place. When they are just in hearing distance" I looked at both of them confused, the olive skinned woman sighed and then said whilst facing me "the woman that just giggled is called....well her name was Talindra Yeljyre, mate to the half-elf, half-werewolf Haemir Eildi" I looked at her confused as I turned slowly in my seat to see a young woman playing with a little doll in her hands, whilst her mate was looking at her with love and for some reason regret. I asked ask I looked at the pair "why do you say 'was', she is still here?" The woman sad sadly "she and her mate, where on a retrieving mission. A group of humans, set a trap in the Amazon jungle to capture a black leopard to sell on the black market, not realising she was a shifter with a new born kit. After they had freed the mother, Talindra went to free the kit, whilst doing so a human shot her in the arm, before her mate could get to her. The kit was freed, but when they got back to HQ, the poison had already spread.
You see to a human, you would be okay as long as it doesn't hit any vital veins. But to us, the bullets that are from a human gun, it doesn't kill rips away are very soul until we are nothing but a shell. Just in Talindra's case it brings her back to when she was but a toddler. No one knows why or how it effects us compared to other weapons, because we can instantly heal...well except from human bullets" I turned around and was about to ask her 'the question', but Lyra Sarxalim answered for me "You see Alice, having a mate is extremely rare. Nothing like what humans betray it as, if it was everyone would have there mate by there side. That is why so many of us go mad. Also we don't believe in rebirth that much, how can we when we literally live forever that is why one of sentences of the plaques say 'Death is but a new chapter, a final rest. Life is but an immortal pain for those who which immortality is a disease which will never end' . So if he ends her life, even if it's for the best, will he ever have the chance of finding her again, in the next life....who knows. Maybe to you, he is being extremely selfish, even though he needs to think about his 5 year old daughter, the pain is too great for him. So that is why his parents look after his daughter"

Talindra Yeljyre, had now come over to are table and knead down next to me and said whilst looking at my wings "pretty wings, I wished I had those. Giggle. Oh look, Mr Eildi. Do you think I will be strong like that when I'm older?" Talindra looked at her husband, not knowing he was her mate. Haemir Eildi looked at her with love and said whilst trying to control his emotions "you are stronger, than you give yourself credit" Talindra clapped her hands together like a 5 year old and said whilst bouncing up "oh I must tell my best friend Amara Erren, giggle" with that she got up from the floor and skipped towards the open hall doors, with her doll tightly held in her right arm. I opened my mouth to ask Haemir Eildi, why he didn't tell her the truth, he just gave me a sad smile and said "the healer said that if I tell her, who she really is...sigh...the damage will be too much on the brain. She is already on borrowed time, with only a month or two, until....well let's just say I want her to spend as much time as she possibly can with me and are daughter, before that day comes. It may seem childish, but the last remaining days as a family out ways the knowing that we will never see her again nor the next. Now I must go, time is a bugger at the best of times" he bowed to me in respect and then to follow his mate, leaving a feeling of sorrow in his wake.

Lyra Sarxalim nudged me whilst saying "common Alice, you need to eat. Nothing and no one can help a soulless being, so stop worrying about what you cannot control. Pity the living, for those who are dead, are at peace" I gave her a small smile and then began to eat.

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