Chapter 103

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(All Elven translations where found on

Lord Finnonn and some of his men walked down the hidden unkept cave, with there weapons out ready for anything that came there way.

They had heard rumours of an ancient secret that would help them in this war, they found it behind an ancient Celtic drawing on a wall, that was surprised still in good condition.

The cave was damp and smelled of mould, with small lit touches guiding there way. It felt like a long time before they reached the bottom, when Lord Finnonn looked the sene in front of him, he said in shock and disbelief "Bui i naneth -o all"(By the mother of all) for centuries his people had searched for this, they thought it was long gone from there sight, but here it was in an unkept cave in a the human realm. Sacred black and golden markings covered the cave walls, in ancient Elven and in the centre of it was a golden statue of Lady of the Moon, Gwynne Glynynore bowing, with her hands together and palms up in front her with a purple book with the tree of life in silver. Rumour's had been told that this book:
Had the power of life and death.
New the beginning and the end of all things.
And was the sacred book of Elven people, of how and why they where born to this curse, this never ending curse of immortality.

Lord Finnonn walked towards it, with no fear of the possible ancient traps that could possibly protect the ancient and most valuable of books. This book was like a humans sacred book, to the elves it was the same, something to learn from, something more than themselves. Lord Finnonn stepped onto a trap mechanism and instantly he felt a sharp painful hit of fire, luckily one of the soldiers dived onto him as soon as the fire hit him so he wasn't burned too badly. There was a very loud click and thump as all the traps stopped indefinitely. Lord Finnonn stood up with the soldier he saved and thank the soldier, still transfixed onto the book of the Elven race. He walked towards it, on the wall above the book was a warning "An hi ant ráw will n- sacrificed, sui i erui Elven -o i winged ones was sacrificed an safetui -o i Elven núr" (For this gift flesh will be sacrificed, as the first Elven of the winged ones was sacrificed for safety of the Elven race)

He ignored it, this was just a little sacrifice for the truth of his people.

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