Stigandr De Veend(Wanderer)

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He marched into the Senate, with a rolled out parchment. He was walking a very fine line by walking into the Senate like he owned the place, but he didn't care, even if that meant being stripped of his military standing, this needed to be done.

The Senate all of a sudden went silent as they looked at the feared and ruthless Roman general, with shock and disbelief. Senate Cassius walked forward with rage in his eyes and demanded "HOW DARE YOU WALK IN HERE!!!?" Stigandr De Veend just threw the parchment at him and said whilst Cassius began to pick it up from the floor and trying to control his anger "How dare I?!! No, how dare you" Cassius began to unroll the parchment and began to read, with each sentence his face began to grow paler and paler. Once he read the whole parchment he looked between the writing and then back at the General and began to splutter " is wrong......this is fake.....all fake....I was....I was prom......" the General just scoffed and asked in a sarcastic voice "really, you where promised that no harm could happen to the 'Great Roman Empire's People'? You cannot possibly think that these monsters would be true to there word, even a blind man could hear the false hoods in there voices. I have given my all to this so called 'Great Empire', even if that means the stripping of my military standing and to become that of a mere slave once more I will not let you tell lies to the people. What lie are you spilling now, hmm? That they have just moved away to attend to a sick relative or if they have found those monsters cannibalised victims bodies, will you just brush it off and say that they are that of a Wolf pack and kill the local wolf pack so the people can pretend it's just natural causes? How long will they last? Until that family takes too long to return? Or the local wolf packs are no MORE!?"

A cloaked figure entered the room, as if out of thin air and said in an almost like telling off a toddler "hmm, now that will be a mistake won't it? Humans....sigh...yes humans...they make a deal of every little thing. If they knew the true face of what is to come, it will make things even worse for humans won't it? Is that not correct Senator Cassius?" the General looked at Cassius's shameful face with confusion and nervousness, then back at the cloaked figure and asked "what do you mean?" The cloaked figure sat down on the near by chair in the Senate and said whilst tutting "well, you see. Let me try and answer it as simple for you humans to understand. Hmm, yes. You see underneath Pompeii is a prison of sorts, in that prison is the most dangerous being under Universe's domain. More dangerous than the 'thing' called Drogdrannith, if you can think that is possible. It is Drogdrannith's true forms brother. He has long craved freedom and with this stupid human...." As the cloaked figure pointed to an ashamed Cassius, carried on saying "my masters reign will come again and ripe this planet apart, nothing and no one will be safe from him. After this planet he will carry on until everything under the Universe's domains and many others will be that of dust" before General Stigandr De Veend could say anything he felt something enter him from the back and then blood spluttered out of his mouth, he tried to look at the person that killed him but he couldn't, spluttering and gasping for air he heard Cassius say sadly "I'm sorry Stigandr, but I couldn't let you do that. Are fate is sealed, but don't fret the world won't share are story. I give you my word. This man won't have his wish. I'm sorry old friend" he felt his body go forward and as he began to close his eyes, his mind went to a time he was most happy. The time he shared, just a mere couple of days with his Alice, the smiling, happy, carefree woman that he had grown to love dearly, but could never have.

An ancient tune of old, echoed loud and clear from a distant land calling to the brave, proud and honourable fallen warrior.

(All translations where found on a translator website called: funtranslations, I take no credit of this)

Elf tongue:
Post cín tired dol nin hén.
I naeg -o living na- baw more.
Tul- na nin embrace, nin hén a im shall tul- cin sídh.
Im shall tul- cin sídh.

Cín regrets a dreams are baw more, an gurth will glinn- cin a different lullabui.
A lullabui -o sídh forever more, i i ambar cin had known, could never on- cin.
An hi na- i amarth -o everything a i medui sídh i ha brings.

In English:
Rest your tired head my child.
The pain of living is no more.
Come to my embrace, my child and I shall bring you peace.
I shall bring you peace.

Your regrets and dreams are no more, for death will sing you a different lullaby.
A lullaby of peace forever more, that the world you had known, could never give you.
For this is the fate of everything and the final peace that it brings.

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