Alice's POV

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I was in zombie mode, as I walked down the stairs to the kitchen, to be quiet honest I was surprised that I didn't slip on the polished wooden floorboards, but that might be wings where open and I flew down the last two stairs.

I bumped into Heather cutting up some fruit in a bowl, she stopped instantly and motioned for me to sit on the bar stool, opposite her cutting up the fruit on the counter. I pinched a piece of melon, after eating it Heather put down the knife that she was using and said with annoyed look on her face "okay, Alice. I know you said it's for the best, but I hate you being like this. You need to tell him, surely it won't be too bad, on....." I put up my right hand to stop her from saying anything, so instead she glared at me and carried on cutting the fruit, then put it on the table with the rest of the breakfast things that I didn't realise was there, then left the kitchen to tell the rest of are friends and are mates that breakfast was served.

A couple of minutes went past and we where now all seated and digging into are breakfast. Drogdrannith, seemed a bit edgy than usual as he tore into a bread with his teeth, I looked at the other people at the table, but they tried to look away. That is when something clicked...there was one person missing, Liorn. I swallowed hard and then asked "Drogdrannith, where is Liorn?" He breathed out a shaky breath and said angrily "Liorn, is no more. The thing living inside him, has broken free of his shell. He was weak and mindless" tears began to well up in my eyes, I would never see Liorn again, but they disappeared when Olive said uncomfortably "Alice, he..he..he has betrayed us all. He has helped the red dragon escape, he cannot turn back now" I gritted my teeth, so hard that it hurt, I got up too quickly, that I nearly passed out by the loss of energy, of training for the next battle, luckily Drogdrannith catched me before I hit the ground.

I blinked once, twice and for third time, until my bleary vision righted itself. I smiled up the concerned Drogdrannith and said "don't worry, I am fine, just got up too quickly" Drogdrannith raised his right eyebrow and said "no, I don't think so. I know that you will want to join the next war, so I will take you to Lord Finnonn's realm for the meantime" I opened my mouth to protest, but he gave me stern but loving look so stopped. Drogdrannith finished off saying annoyed "but don't worry, I will make sure you get back in time for the fighting. Lord Finnonn's realm time is slow compared to the human realm. We will have plenty of time to get back" I gave him a small smile, which he replied the same, even when he was annoyed or angry with me, he quickly changed when I smiled at him. I kissed him lightly on the lips to thank him, to be quiet honest I had been wanting to do that for some time now. It caught him by surprise, but it quickly vanished and kissed me back hungrily, as if I was his last meal. For a breath moment, I forgot that we where not alone, until Heather cleared her throat, which made Drogdrannith pull back and glare at her angrily, whilst Olive giggled. Ignoring everyone he picked me up and took me to Lord Finnonn's realm by portal.

Zagthar's (Hellion)

He heard a commotion, coming from the end of the garden, he had just finished a another spear for the humans to defeat the enemy. When he load thumps and came to investigate, what he saw surprised him and made him extremely jealous. Susan was trying to spar with one of the golden dragons of Zanatoo, when I mean by 'trying'...she was trying to make him defend himself, by throwing rocks at the poor dragon. When the dragon finally saw Zagthar he breathed out a happy sigh, luckily Susan turned to face Zagthar which gave the dragon enough time to leave. When Susan realised this, she glared at him annoyed. With a frustrated hmf, she sat down on the ground and played with a stand of grass.

Zagthar, walked towards her and then sat on the ground next to her then said gently "you are extremely lucky, that the dragon didn't fight you. You would be dead in minutes" anger irrupted from him, when she said "at least I would go down fighting" a single tear trickled down her cheek, at this his angry remark, that he was about to say quickly vanished and he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him close whilst she said tearfully "I'm sorry, you are seeing me like this. It's just, Alice is on her own fighting, I want to be there next to her fighting alongside her. I can't just do nothing and stand by the sidelines" at hearing this, it pulled at his heart strings. He understand her hopes and fears of the future, he saw it everywhere.

He also knew that one day Susan, like the other mates, would want to have a hand in the wars that would come, after all she was human and all humans would have there own part in this war. But unlike the other wars the humans had faced time and time again, this time it will mean extinction or victory and even then, they would still have a large portion of there race......dead.

An idea came to mind, he brushed away the tears from her face and said "I have an idea, what about you help me forge the new weapons for the humans, there are still many more to fashion and I will be grateful to have my mate by my side" Susan quickly nodded and said "yes, absolutely. It will make me feel like I am doing something other than sitting here doing nothing" he couldn't help but kiss her forehead lovingly and then sat there for awhile, looking up at the beautiful sunset that just appeared.

Alice's POV

I had been training with Lord Finnonn's army for the last couple of days, I still couldn't believe I was here. It felt like I was walking in a beautiful dream, with the mountains, the beautiful fields and the clear crisp waters.

I was currently putting on my normal shoes, with my training boots next to me. When I saw Lord Finnonn walking towards me carrying two crystal goblets, he sat next to me on the cool Roman style bench and said as if he already knew the answer as he handed me one of the goblets "you didn't except a couple of years ago, that this would be your path to take?" I sipped at the cool water and said with a long sigh "no, to be quiet honest. But I suppose that is why it's called fate, we never know when it will happen, until it happens. Just for me, it feels like I have been slapped very hard by it" Lord Finnonn let out a little laugh and said in a faraway voice "you know, you are so much like your mother, wise beyond her years, even as a dragon lit" I looked at him intrigued and asked"you knew my mother?" He turned to face me and said in a still faraway voice "oh yes, I knew her very well. Before the near extinction of my kind, I was your mothers trainer. She had the wisdom and the battle know how, that it wasn't difficult to mistake her as an Elf. Even though my race had never been blessed with females" he then said "your father on the other hand, was fearless and headstrong sometimes to the point of recklessness. But it came in handy more times than I could count. They matched so perfectly, as if the universe herself had planned it out" a single tear trickled down my cheek at the unfairness of it all, that I would never meet them.

Lord Finnonn saw me brush away my tear and said softly "I know this saddens you, but this is the fate of all beings under the universe. It just makes the pain somehow easier, when knowing you can share what time you have with your loved ones, no matter who or how far they are. You will see them again, at the golden gates" I looked up at him and asked him whilst looking into his eyes trying to find the answer "but what if I will be alone?" Lord Finnonn smiled at me kindly "my dear Alice, you will never be alone. Even in death, loved ones will be there to take your hand. In life you will still have loved ones, that will treasure you and mourn for you when you pass over".

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