Chapter 66

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Liorn burst into the laboratory, underneath the castle, whilst searching high and low for the ancient book of Darkling stones.

Hay-Pore the elf and potion maker, looked at Liorn shocked, no one ever visited it him, so having a person charge into his room was a shock to say the least. Once he had composed himself, he asked Liorn "excuse me sir, but why are you here?" Liorn without looking at him said as he ran over to a small pile of books and crouched down, throwing things around as if they where disposable toys "The 'Haveriun seal', I need to find it NOW!!" Hay-Pore nearly fell off his ladder that he was on, luckily he had put the new and workable potion down first. He looked at Liorn shocked as he made his way down the ladder, his purple long tunic sticking to his body like a glove. Once he got down from the ladder, he walked over to Liorn and said trying to control his voice "you can't, there is a reason why it's forbidden" Liorn, ignoring Hay-Pore made a loud victorious yell of joy as he found the book he was looking for and quickly opened it up to look for where he could find anything to do with the 'Haveriun seal'. But once he found the page entitled 'Haveriun seal', he let a annoyed grunt to escape him, this was definitely not what he was excepting, on the page in question only had three lines:

Subject: 'Haveriun seal'.
Place: Pompeii
Time: Relapsing

Hay-Pore said trying to be reassuringly "Liorn, the 'Haveriun seal'. Is not to be messed with, the race of man nearly stupidly destroyed the Earth in there quest for more power than they should. The hole purpose for that time in Pompeii, gets relapsing. The volcano was the last option, to destroy the 'Haveriun seal', but even you know that things, evil things like that will never be destroyed. If you go there, only darkness and destruction will await you, nothing good will come of it"
A voice not that of Liorn, came out of Liorn's mouth said

"Planets will crumble,
Kingdom's destroyed,
Races distinguished,
To know the truth, a price will always have to be sacrificed"

Hay-Pore's eyes widened in disbelief, he had seen that verse from an old manuscript, dating back to the time of Mother Universe, herself.

Liorn, not realising nor remembering what he had said, shook his head and winced as a thumping headache suddenly appeared. Once it had passed, he looked at Hay-Pore and asked whilst looking at Hay-Pore's fear stricken face "are you okay Hay-Pore, did I say something?" Hay-Pore mutely shook his head, as if for a moment he could not speak. Liorn passed him, looking at him confused with the book in hand, but before he left the room Hay-Pore said in a warning tone "Liorn, a word of warning from an old man. Forgetting the past, is sometimes a blessing in disguise. To unearth them, is not always paved by a golden road, it can cause thousand times more suffering than it brings that of joy" Liorn stopped and said without turning back "maybe you are right, but not knowing for a poison that will forever grow" and then with that he left, with Hay-Pore voice saying behind him in a whisper "you may be right, but it will also take away the happiness that you have so long searched for and gotten. Maybe you will be lucky, for the truth is a dangerous mistress"

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