Chapter 52

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Skelside Fortress sat in splendour on top of the floating Sky Island of Eagle Enclave, just south of Cornwall was the home of 'The Watchers Of The Other World' and the many warriors that called Skelside Fortress home.

They had long ago made the mistake of showing the race of man/humans there true face. With already dwindling refugees escaping the home world only to be killed by humans, with the help of Merlin they had fashioned the Sky Island of Eagle Enclave, for a final safe haven for all the mythical creatures of the universe.

Even though Skelside was called a fortress, it was never needed. Instead they let 'The Watchers Of The Other World' use it to train new recruits for the never ending battle of protecting the fragile balance of humans and mythical creatures. The new recruits, the many warriors that fight along side them and the many instructors purpose was to rid the human realm of the rouge shifters and demons that killed and played havoc on the unknowing mankind/humans.

Eagle Enclave, was a beautiful Sky Island, with lavender meadows, crisp blue waterfalls, clear blue lakes that covered half of the Sky Island and farms covering the other half. Little medieval style huts scattered across the Island. Thousands of trees covered one quarter of the farm land, that held game to hunt as well as the home of many Elf's that had long been forgotten by man. On each corner of the Island, held the ancient gods all made out of the finest Opilot oak tree. As the name suggests, these tree figures where not your run of the mill Earth Trees, oh no, they where the young trees born from the all ancient and all powerful tree of life. The Opilot oak tree, had gold and silver veins that twisted and turned around the roots of the tree, on the paw of each of the gods was a blinding yellow/white light, this light was the power handed down by the tree of life itself that stopped diseases and viruses in its path and also was the sole reason for the island to stay in the air.

In the centre of the Sky Island, where the lavender meadows finished and the farming lands started, stood the proud and magnificent Skelside Fortress. Made out of the finest black gold. Two black panther statues with red ruby eyes, sat at the bottom on either side of the fortress entrance, there mouths open in mid raw. These where the deity's of all shifter and mythical warriors. With a plaque underneath both of the black panthers, which read the code of all shifters and mythical warriors, in red it said 'Keepers of  Truth. Brothers of Loyalty. Sons of Respect. Death is but a new chapter, a final rest. Life is but an immortal pain for those who which immortality is a disease which will never end' past the entrance and into the courtyard of cream coloured cobble stones. On the right side of the courtyard held the stables where more than 6 Hafariun horses that where said to be the first ever horses in the universe lived. Hafariun horses, where as bad tempered as they where magnificent with there night black hide, golden hooves and ocean blue eyes, only the best and bravest warrior had the honour of taming them, let alone ride them.

On the left hand side of the courtyard held a large smithy and blacksmith workshop, even though the fortress was never conquered or tried to be, didn't mean that they where not needed. After all, they where much needed in the fight of protecting the delicate balance of the human world and the mythical world from crumbling away, whilst also killing the rouges of mythical creatures and also demons that dared to kill a human and intern let the humans be aware of the mythical world that they so badly tried to maintain.

In the centre of the fortress held a very large castle, made out of the same black gold, its windows made out of the purest silver that sparkled like diamonds in the early morning sun. The front door was made out of the finest oak, the faces of a black panther in the middle of both doors with a different plaque that read in pure gold 'to sacrifice are lives for the greater good of our race and the protection of our family, we humbly give our lives. They who dare bring dishonour and death to our race, will be swiftly dealt with, for we are the children of the great protecter'.

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