Alice's POV

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I had just put my training armour on, ready to go back to training and was about to leave the tent when Drogdrannith stepped into it, with a soft smile on his face. I gave him a small smile back. He walked over to me and put his warm, muscular hands on my shoulders and said in a pain filled voice "I do not want you to be a warrior, soon there will be another war and by then you will have to join the rest of the warriors. I do not want you to be harmed....or...sigh. I have already lost you once, I cannot loose you again, my love. You are the only thing keeping me grounded, keeping the darkness at bay" I put my right hand on his right hand lovingly and said calmly "Drogdrannith, I am not just a warrior. I am the last of the royal house 'The Golden Dragons Of Zanatoo', I am the one of the prophecy, the ancestor of the great Phoenix herself. I have obligations to my people and many others, I cannot just abandon them just because you want me too" he let out a long sigh and asked angrily " you are going to put your life on the line, for a mere thing called balance. What about us....what about....gods alive, don't you even care about your own life?" I winced at that, Fates words ringing in my head about my death like an echo.
"You will have a peaceful, happy life until you're 31st birthday. Your death be unexpected, no ailment or disease will be your fate, but of murder"

He was about to leave the tent, when I asked "what if...what if I die one day. Would you stay for are children or would you let the darkness engulf you forever?" His shoulders dropped, then let out a loud huff and said painfully "if that day comes.....sigh....I don't know. Maybe I will or maybe the pain will be too painful to bare" he then turned his pain filled gaze to me and said "because I will know that I won't be able to see you again, in this lifetime much as it pains for me to say, we may not be able to see each other in the next either. I highly doubt, my mother will bless me thrice in my existence"

And with that he left the tent, with myself wishing so badly to tell him the truth, that it was eating me alive....but I couldn't tell anyone, if I did I was dangering the path that was rewritten by fate herself.

With a heavy heart I left the tent, to join with Jaddreirth in the training grounds.

Half an hour later at the training grounds.

I fought with Jaddreirth, as hard as I could, letting the unfairness of the future that was to await for me and the pain that are daughter might not be enough to let the darkness at bay for Drogdrannith.

Jaddreirth, began to yell "Alice, stop. ALICE STOP, YOU ARE GOING TO BURN YOURSELF OUT TOO QUICKLY!!" Realising I was too exhausted, I slumped to the ground, my now strong wings covered my body as a defence mechanism. For the first time since the rewritten of my fate, I burst into tears.

Luckily it was only Jaddreirth and myself in the area, so no one could see me crumbling away. I felt a hand on my right wing and then Jaddreirth's voice ask "Alice what's wrong, is it to do with your mate?" I made my wings go back into my body and then looked up at him and said "there is something I need you to do. I am so sorry" he looked at me confused, but when I started talking his eyes widened in alarm "as the last member of the Royal house of the golden dragons of Zanatoo, I command for you to hold this secret and never to tell a single soul unless it's family" he gave me annoyed look but nodded whilst gritting his teeth, so I carried on "I was supposed to die back on the world, where I first met Drogdrannith. But Fate, came to me, with a second chance. If I died then and there, the world that you and others have protected for so long, would crumble in ash and fire, nothing would live. So she sent me back to my own time, but with a different fate in store for me, she said:
"you will have a beautiful baby girl called Lucy, with your mates. She will be your little star.
You will have a peaceful, happy life until you're 31st birthday. Your death be unexpected, no ailment or disease will be your fate, but of murder""
Jaddreirth's eyes went wide in horror as he looked at me and then I said "I cant tell anyone, but I knew about pacts of all dragon races. I read about them back at the library, at the fortress. That once commanded, especially from a royal household, no one can say the secret unless to the family member. I am so sorry" Jaddreirth breathed out a long sigh and brought me close against his chest and said in a humourless voice "are paths...sigh...the universe doesn't give us easy ones, does she. It always has to be difficult" he held me close against him as the tears began to wet his training armour, but at the same time relief washed over me, knowing that I had told someone and that it wouldn't eat away at me again.

Jaddreirth's tent

It had been an hour since, we had both retired to Jaddreirth's tent, to have a glass of scotch. Although it quickly turned to a couple.

Jaddreirth sighed annoyed, as he saw me pour a new bottle of scotch into my glass. He tired to grab the bottle from my drunk fingers. But I didn't care, I needed this moment so badly, Jaddreirth was the only person I could tell my secrets to...well here anyway.

Jaddreirth said annoyed "common Alice. You can't keep doing this tonight, you need your rest" I blowed bubbles at him and said teary eyed "noopppee. I neeed, hic, this. Dooo you now, myyyy mate, hic, said something reaallyy stupid. He, sob, he asked if I wanted mmyy life anymore. Doesn't hhee now I waant to be with him for life, hic, but I can't and, sob, are child, may not be enough to hold his darkness at bayyy" I burst into ugly tears: the running nose, the blood shot eyes, the red nose. He finally managed to grab the bottle from my hands, then got up from his on the other side of the table, walked around to me and held me against his chest. He grabbed a tissue out of thin air and gave it to me. Once I finally stopped and my nose was dry, I looked at him and asked "what will happen to my daughter, will she be an orphan, like myself?" He looked at me seriously and said "I give you my word, she will have a loving home and parents that will love her as much as you and Drogdrannith did. But enough of that, that is far into the future" I gave him a sleepy smile and went out like a light, from all the drinking I did.

That same night
Jaddreirth's POV

He picked up Alice's sleeping form and carried her to tent. Once there he laid her down on her bed and pulled the quilt up to her chin.

It hit him hard, when Alice told him the secret that was eating her. Even though he knew about her awaiting death, it still was hard to stomach. Knowing the future, would be full of pain and heartbreak for her, he wished he could carry it all but he knew he couldn't, for that is her road to take alone, he was just grateful that she had told him about it, even if she was going to have a possible headache due to the alcohol in the morning.

The family that would take her daughter in, would not be him. Because of his very own secret, Alice's daughter would be his mate as well as Lord Finnonn's, he only knew this morning, when a prophecy ball appeared before him and Lord Finnonn.

He gave Alice one last look, before going to his own tent to rest, feeling guilty of the burdens that where on her shoulders.

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