Chapter 79

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Stonehenge began to vibrate and make a loud humming sound. No one knew why or when it started, but one thing was absolutely clear, the human race had less time than what was promised....even though they had not got a clue of what it's true meaning was.

The six members of the Coven Evermore, with Lucy Evermore leading the members into an ancient chant to stop the disaster from happening, because not only would the race of man would be effected but all mythical creatures. The coven where in a circle with there heads bowed, around Stonehenge. What made this even more strange was that it was only Stonehenge that was vibrating and making the sound, compared to the other monuments around Earth.

Lucy Evermore staggered back, caught by her werewolf husband Luke Alley. Lucy looked up at her husband with a small smile and said whilst straightening "don't worry my love, I'm fine" Luke gave Lucy a look that read 'do you really think I'm that stupid' he grabbed her right hand and tried to take her to a nearby bench, but Lucy stopped him with a hand on his scared right cheek and said lovingly "we don't have much time until the magical barrier made by the 'The Watchers Of The Other World' is dissolved. We will all rest when the second key is locked again, true it will be unlocked again and the vibrating sound and the humming will start up again, but it should give us all time to all come together for the 'final fight'" Luke gave annoyed huff and then said "I have no idea why we have to team up with Drogdrannith's men. We should of destroyed them long ago. And anyway, why can't we send all the humans to the home of the Ashen Elves of the Silver Isle, they have always been interested in the race of man.....although I don't know why they are interested in: small, senseless..." he was interrupted by Lucy's right hand over his mouth and said "my dear. The race of man, are still too young, they have there faults like all beings..true they have been more...well you know. The only reason why the Elves, especially the Ashen Elves of the Silver Isle haven't made themselves known to the race of man, is because of one reason and one reason only. Is because of there harmful quest for more power. Don't forget my love, they like all beings, crave for a mate of there very own. The Ashen Elves of The Silver Isle, respect there planet and don't want to see machines going through there dimension. Sending the race of man to there dimension will be the last res....resu......." She fainted in her husband's arms.

(There purpose will be explained in the second story)
The Silver Isle, home of the Ashen Elves

The Silver Isle, was not on any planet or in the universe...well in a way. It was hard to describe to beings that where not elvish.

The Elven world, was made out of 4 dimensions, it wasn't on any planet or any universe, so you couldn't accidentally walk into it or crash land on it, it just simply existed. No one knew who made them or how the Elven people came about, but one thing was certain they all where immortal warriors and feasted on the fallen warriors of there victims, so having the Elven world on the race of mankind side was....let's just say it is better than the other way around.

The 4 Elven dimensions where called:
The Silver Isle, was the home of The Ashen Elves, there lord is called Finnonn.
Infalean, was the home of The Silent Forest Elves, there lord is called Agando.
The Fallen Forest, was the home of The Warhammer Elves, there lord is called Mokachme.
And last but not least
The Black Mountain, was the home of the darkest of all 4 Elven races, they where called The Black moon Elves and there leader is called Skynor Curthe.

Lucy Evermore eyes slowly opened to find herself looking up at a cream coloured domed ceiling, with birds tweeting and greenery hugging the pillars that supported the ceiling. She shot up quickly when a man said in a bell like voice "I see are guest has finally awaken" her eyes widened when she saw Lord Finnonn standing at the base of the Roman style bed, dressed in a dark purple tunic with beautiful delicate designs covering it, he had his long dark black hair free and about his shoulders and a small silver jewellery that crossed his forehead, if it was on his head it would be like a small crown that made his Elven ears stand out proudly. If you looked carefully the silver jewellery was fashioned to look like holly leaves with bits of black in it to look like ash from a fire.

She tried to get up, but she was too exhausted, but something told her that she had something to make her feel a bit stronger. As if Lord Finnonn could read her mind, he smiled and said "do not worry, it is but a piece of the silver veins of Ha-nook. It will take a while for your powers to come back. I gave it to you whilst you where asleep, after all I need you to be strong and healthy for myself and many of my kind to see are mates" Lucy looked at Lord Finnonn surprised and said "you already know who she is?" He gave her a small smile and asked "did you not wonder why The Ashen Elves of The Silver Isle, as the race of man say 'jumped' at the prospect of unearthing are selfs to you after never doing so in the past?" Lucy just said "well no, I thought that your people would want to help, since...."  Lord Finnonn put up his right hand and said with slyness in his voice "you know now, we have more power than any beings in the universe. The darkness that's coming is but child-play to us. No, we have are ways to get what we want. The reason why we offered are aid is because my soulmate, is none other than the daughter of the orphaned princess of the golden dragons of Zanatoo. That is the only reason why we offered are aid. I wish to protect her mother so, I can finally hold my mate in my arms, when the time is right" he waved his hand in front of him and a small beautiful oak side table appeared, with a glass of mead and a crystal bowl of fruit appeared. Lord Finnonn said whilst motioning with his right hand "please eat and drink your fill, whilst I help bring back your saviour" she gave him a confused look, but was all of a sudden to thirsty and hungry to notice too much and began to eat and drink. Once she had her fill, she got off from the Roman style bed and made her way towards the outside of the small pavilion and gasped in wonder at the beauty that was before her and thought 'no wonder the elf's have made a demand for the humans, if they do come here' at the base of 'The House Of The Fallen Tree' that she was at, was a beautiful clear blue waterfall that fell into a beautiful crystal pond, that led to a glistening sea by a snake like river.
Crisp white mountains with their tips scattered with ash, that seemed to bring its own beauty, dominated the landscape to the North and green large forests sat underneath it, to bring a sense of freshness to the landscape against the cold harsh mountains.
To the south of the mountains was a beautiful multicoloured patchwork of meadows that covered the south side.
To the west of the mountains was, The Silver Isle's most popular fishing port that they shared with a group of menfolk that had somehow managed to come here with there family's, so long ago.
To the east was the home of both wine merchants and fruit and veg elf's farmers, which was an elf's staple diet, whilst they where not at war.

It was beautiful and delicate, that even thinking of tarnishing would be a deadly curse. She looked at the sight before her eyes she thought 'I hope, if the time does come. That the race of man will leave it as it is'

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