Chapter 105

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I breathed in the cool night air, as I stood outside my tent, it would be Christmas tomorrow.

Myself and my friends would be putting up the Christmas tree in are small little but functional sitting room, there would be the smell of freshly cooked mince pies and sausage rolls filling the room which would bring some intrigued and hopeful little faces at are door because Olive had forgotten to shut the door whilst leaving to get the spiced mulled cider from Sainsbury's, that was affordable but tasted like we where treating are-selves at the same time. We would have are beef, sides and Heather's famous cheesy leeks and gougere, fallowed by cheese and crackers with fizzy water, since most of us would be working Boxing Day.

I never thought that my life would change so much in the last year, so many questions answered, but at the same time so many unanswered questions. I had always dreamed of having my own family, my friends where my family, but having a husband to call my own and was painful to even think it, let alone say it. Knowing I would never see my future daughter, grow up, have her first: crush, heartbreak. See her walking down the aisle with her husband, see her with her own children.

I winced at this, it still felt like someone grabbing my heart and squeezing it every time I thought of this.

I didn't realise I was crying until a familiar voice say a couple of yards from me say "it is an honour to meet you again, my lady" I turned to face Haemir Eildi in his Elven battle armour with Talindra Yeljyre, by his side. I smiled at both of them, he walked over to me cautiously whilst motioning to his mate to follow. He breathed out a long sigh, as if something had always been on his mind and then said "Alice, this may seem too forward to ask you of this but I must" I looked at him confused and then at the child like Talindra Yeljyre playing with her doll in her hands not interested in are talk.

I said "if I can help in anyway, I will gladly give it" he smiled softly and said with a trace of hope in his voice "after todays war, I found out that in the ancestry of the Golden Dragon's of Zanatoo, there has been a healer only of the Royal family that can heal anything. I am hoping that it has awaken in you" I gave him a unsure smile and said "I can give it a go, but it never has happened to me in the past" I walked over to Talindra Yeljyre and if my hands where a completely different person, I softly held her head and put my forehead against hers, luckily she didn't fight against me, just closed her eyes and I did too.

When I closed my eyes and opened them again I found myself in a pitch black room, with no windows and no doors, the room was bare except for a single golden tree, with a massive whole in the middle of it, with what looked like golden blood oozing from it. Something told me that this was Talindra Yeljyre tree of life and it was hurt badly, with golden petals falling off it constantly. All of a sudden my hands turned to a white fire and before I could do anything I pointed my palms towards the tree, when the white fire touched the tree, it began to quickly heal, like one of the film's on TV when a scene is going backwards. When the tree was finally healed, a burst of clear golden light burst from it in all its splendour and at the same time I was chucked back into the present with a loud gasp.

When I got my bearings, I found myself flat on my back looking at the night sky with an uncomfortable back and feeling like I was going to be sick anytime now.
I turned over onto my left side and puked all over the grass, it wouldn't stop until I had puked up everything including my breakfast and shake, leaving my tummy to grumble in complaint.

I felt two arms under each of my shoulders, I was so warn out from my puking that I didn't even have the energy to keep my eyes open.

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