Chapter 68

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The old man and Liorn, got into a fishing boat to the confusion of Liorn. But the old man sat down and said in a wise old tone "all things are not what you except them to be, the truth lies with him". On the boat ride to a main island, questions kept on going around and around in his head 'who or what did his brother look like know he had risen from the dead? How on Earth did his brother and the universe meet and make Drogdrannith, if the universe was a celestial inhabited being? What was he......'

He didn't realise, that the boat had finally rested against the Harbourside wall and that a unknown middle aged man with green eyes, bronze skin, black shoulder length hair, wearing a long sleeve black top and jeans, had held his hand out until the unknown man asked "so after all this time, you don't want to grab my hand, dear brother?" Liorn's head shot up, then grabbed his hand and let his brother pull him up. Once Liorn was on the Harbourside pavement, he looked at his brothers smiling face, his brother said whilst they walked towards a nearby cafe, with his brothers left arm around Liorn's shoulder "I have heard that my son has given you are hard time, these many centuries. Sigh, he still hasn't gotten rid of that streak then. If I wasn't killed by my own son, I would be so proud of him" they both sat down at a nearby wooden oak table and chairs, as a waiter came over to them. Liorn looked at his brother in shock as ordered in Greek, the language seemed to call to him as if he knew how to speak it, but if he did, it was long gone now.
A couple of minutes later, the same waiter came back to the table, with a black circle disk tray with a bottle of wine, two wine glasses and two plates of ravioli with steam still coming off it.

Liorn's brother said as he took off the top of the wine bottle and poured two glasses of wine "you know, when we where both young and I was courting herself up there" he made a motion with his eyebrows upwards as if proving a point, then said "you used to be the worst of us, more bloodthirsty and savage than any being I had ever laid eyes on. I was extremely proud and dare I say fearful of you, too. Sigh, you don't even seem to remember who I am for a minute back there" then he asked as he sipped his wine "is it true that you do not know who or what you are?"

Liorn leaned back into the chair, as he breathed out along sigh and said defeated "yes that is true. I only know that after I was experimented on, that I have forgotten all my past memories. All I know, is that I need to find the 'Haveriun seal'" Liorn's brother only nodded as he motioned for Liorn to tuck into Liorn's ravioli. Liorn looked at his brother unsure, as he began to tuck into the ravioli, not because the worry of being poisoned because he wouldn't die from that, but the reaction on his brothers face when Liorn mentioned 'Haveriun seal', as if it was not the most scariest topic of discussion.

After they both finished the delicious seafood ravioli, Liorn's brother leaned back into his chair and asked seriously "you do know are true purpose don't you brother?" Liorn looked at his brother confused and said "yes of course, every Darkling knows. I haven't forgotten that. Wait....what does this have to do with the 'Haveriun seal'?" Liorn's brother sighed annoyed and said "well, it does seem that you have forgotten everything" he crossed his arms in front of him and gave him a stern glare and said in a serious tone "before the beginning of everything, even the birth of......sigh......the universe herself. Four seals where made, by 'The Council Of The Four'.
The first was carved out of the cool blue mountains of the cold Northern realm of Noxas, that seal was called 'Hebivous Rurkirth'(ice rain).
The second was fashioned out of the soil of the cursed Southern realm of Idor, that seal was called 'Xagisges Aingek'(Death World).
The third was fashioned out of the white waters of the Western realm of Moolita(its name and colour was said to be that of a moon trapped) that seal was called 'Agather Uusind'(Ocean Magic).

The last and final seal is fashioned from the lava fields of the Eastern realm of Famyn, that seal you already know brother, that seal is called 'Haveriun seal'. It has no meaning and is the most dangerous out of all of them" Liorn looked at his brother and asked "what does that have to do with the 'Haveriun seal' and the Darkling race?" His brother breathed out a long sigh and said serious tone "I'm sorry brother, I promised someone that I would give you the tools you need to answer that question, not to give you the answer. But I will tell you one thing, you are not the only one seeking the 'Haveriun seal', a human businessman also seeks it. Rumour has it, his family already owns the other three, with it....let's just say if all four seals are placed together, you don't have to have to worry about my son destroying the universe, because that human will already have done that" Liorn's brother dabbed at his mouth with the cream coloured napkin that was on the table next to his dirty plate, put it back down on the plate and stood up whilst saying "two other things brother, that I must warn you about.
First: you can only find the 'Haveriun seal' with your mate by your side, believe me I don't know why either.
And Second: if you find the seal, destroy is said that the person who finds the seal, will be cursed to lose those who they hold dear, forever.
After all Nothing in this existence, comes without out pain. Even I know that"

Liorn quickly stood up and then grabbed his brothers right arm, then said "wait, they need to know that your still alive. Your mistress......." Liorn's brother put his left hand and said softly "brother, for all my that you ever saw me. My beloved ones are best without me in there lives, after all I was not a good father to my son. He was right when he killed me that time, I can still remember his words 'YOU WHERE NEVER THERE FOR ME. I WAS THROWN OUT OF MY CRIB, BECAUSE MOTHER WAS DISGUSTED OF WHAT AND WHO I WAS. I HAD TO CRAWL OVER A BAREN WASTELAND, POISONED, NEARLY KILLED. YOU SEEK ME NOW, AFTER ALL THIS TIME. NO, YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE'" he smiled at Liorn and then said "no, brother. I will only tarnish his happiness with his mate. It's best to walk alone, maybe she will forgive me one day. But for now, the road is long. For the devil, should always be alone" he motioned with his left hand to someone behind Liorn and said "it was good seeing you again brother. One of the Wolf people, will take you to where you are needed. Live for the moment, forget the past, live for the present and dream of the future with your loved ones. Please for your own sake, destroy the seals. I don't want you to become like me and regret something that you had the power to stop....before it got to the point of no return" Liorn gave his brother a sad smile and said "I can't go back brother, I need to find the 'Haveriun seal'. I have started this journey, I can't go back or pretend that I never heard about the 'Haveriun seal'. I need to know about my past and reawaken my memories, it's a fever that will never end" Liorn's brother let out a long sigh and then said with a sad smile on his face "it seems, that are fates will always be the same. I just hope, that it was all worth it in the end". Liorn's brother gave Liorn one last look of sadness, turned around and left, as one of the Wolf people bowed to Liorn and took Liorn to his destination.

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