Stigandr De Veend(Wanderer)

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He had just finished writing up his report from his last mission, when his bodyguard came into the room with a piece of parchment rolled up in his right hand. His bodyguard Felix said as he handed Stigandr the parchment "senate Cassius, has stated that he will reimburse you, for the two slave women" he looked at him confused and then began to unroll the parchment whilst thinking 'I haven't sent any more slaves out with Alice, only Hel......' his eyes widened as he saw the letter from Cassius

"I am sorry Stigandr, I told you we can give you anything your heart desires. But on this occasion, I can not grant you the woman that I know you treasure above all else.
If these 'monsters' didn't exist and....we both know what is happening outside are borders. I have not told Rome about what we have found out and I dare say, something tells me, we won't see the end of this year.
These 'monsters' our are only chance of survival.
The woman that you hold dear to you, is none other than the 'monsters' creatures mate and that of are current slaves mate too.
For your sake and for mine, please I beg of you, forget her and all the feelings you once had for her. We cannot let you free her, it's are very existence that is at stake.

From Senate Cassius

He crumbled the parchment in his hands, in anger. He above everyone knew what was at stake, he was the one that first unearthed the new threat, it started 2 months ago, whilst he was on a mission of finding the lost olive merchant.

It was early morning, Stigandr and his men where packing away there bed rolls, to start searching the north of the forest, when Felix came rushing over with horror written on his face said "my lord, I have found the olive merchant and his men.........well what's left of them. But we better be quick, the monsters might be back any second". Stigandr and his men followed Felix to where the olive merchant and his men where, when they finally got to the clearing shock and horror appeared on all there faces, even the strongest of them puked his guts out.

In the once beautiful lavender meadow, was now covered with blood of both human and animal. But this is not what horrified them, because like Stigandr, they where either in the army or was a freed gladiator. No what made them horrified was the many dissembled body parts all over the place, of man, animal and even female. In all of Stigandr's fighting life, he had never come across such an attack. Before he could get his barring's back, a man stepped out of the clearing, with blood dripping from his mouth and hands like water, with more than 6 men behind him. The leader just wiped his hands on a torn piece of cloth in his hands, as if just wiping off dirt and not blood and throw it on the ground.

His head then snapped towards Stigandr and said intrigued "I congratulate on your bravery, to try and save these pitiful humans. But I am sad to say, it's a little too late for that" Stigandr looked at him asked whilst grabbing his sword "why did you kill the olive merchant and his family, surely you could of spared the daughters?" The man syed sadly and said "when you have lived since the beginning of time, not even a woman can stop 'the madness' from taking over, except for are mate. We don't discriminate when it comes to 'the madness', only when the blood of are prey gushes warmly through are parched lips does it soften" he then turned to face Stigandr and said "oh but you humans don't have to worry about that, after all you all will be dead soon by are hands, starting with Pompeii". At that moment, Stigandr and his men where ready to fight to the death, until Senate Cassius stepped from the group, pushing off his black hood said "now now, I am sure that we can come to some arrangement" the leader looked at Senate Cassius with disbelief and then burst out laughing followed by an echo of laughter all around. At that moment realisation hit him hard, if this is what that leader and his men could do to the olive merchant and his family, Stigandr and his men would not stand a chance.

He was pulled back to the present when Senate Cassius said that made Stigandr disgusted and horrified "now I know, that you are deadly beings and for that I respect you. I will make you a deal, you see we are in need of........well let's just say talents in the army and for entertainment in the arena. In exchange for your 'corporation', we can give you all human......" Stigandr interrupted Senate Cassius by saying "you can't they...they are monstrous 'things' even calling them beasts is kinder then what they are" Senate Cassius smiled at Stigandr with a sly smile and said "you have to make friends with your worst enemy, if you want to go up in the world" Stigandr asked "what do you mean by saying  'corporation', what on earth do you want from those....those things?" Senate Cassius signed loudly whilst rolling his eyes heavenward said "what does every human being want in this life?" As if it was the most obvious thing in the world "to never meet death in the face and these 'things' you call them will be my saviour"

Stigandr eyes widened with fear for the very first time in his entire life, he never feared death on the battlefield or as a gladiator in the arena, not even when he was taken from his home to become a slave.

The leader interrupted the fearful silence and said in a happy voice as if finding something he had always searched for "you are either very stupid or very brave to say that. Umm, yes I will take you up on your offer, but a word of warning human, if you dare cross us or even me...let's just say not only will you die at my hands but your countrymen as well and then the whole world. Do I make myself clear human?"

Senate Cassius, too giddy with greed nodded eagerly. Then Senate Cassius motioned for the leader to go ahead and with that started the most deadly and strained deal.

Stigandr knew he couldn't do anything to Senate Cassius's plan, but he couldn't sit there and let it unfold he had to do something even if........even if that meant in the process he would loose his life.

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