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Gloria loved airports.

Well, she get to see different looks being put together hence called the airport look. She had always tried to look her best when coming to airports but today it was a toned down look because she didn't want to rub his sister the wrong way.

Also she didn't even know her so dressing up over the top for a stranger wasn't what she looked forward too.

Logan had come up to pick her up. The Ray-Ban avatars hiding his eyes from her as she stepped in his black SUV. Gloria couldn't help but admire his easy breezy look of the day. Nothing too much. A plain white T-shirt and some black pants on and yet he looked more of a snack then her.

He glanced up at her when she slipped in, taking off his avatars and placing them on the dashboard.

She was glad he did because now she could see his eyes.

The smile on his face was instant. Lit.

"Well, hello there." Gloria mused as she put her seat belt on.

"Ahoy!" He grinned looking at her side profile like he wouldn't look away.

Done with her seat belt, she turned her delicate neck towards him . .yes he was staring at her. .like there was something stuck in his throat and he wanted it out .

She snapped her fingers in his face.

Forcing him to blink.

"Just so you know, I put people in trance." She smirked feeling bold all of a sudden.

His hand on the steering wheel, other on his thigh. .he smiled at her . .as if the bulb of flashlight went off on her. .she blinked rapidly.

"Trance? Nope. I would say you're . .Medusa." he said still smiling as he stared ahead. . revving the engine .

"Medusa? The snake women?" She put her hand on her heart in mock horror." I thought i was Cinderella."

"What I mean is," he put his arm on the back of her seat as he took a look at the back checking if backing out was safe ," that when you look at Medusa she turns you into a stone. That's what you do to me."

But really Gloria wasn't hearing anything because he was so close, sure he wasn't looking at her, but his side profile was so damn close she could smell the cologne on him. .his arm on the back of her seat gave her gut a feeling so indestructible, she didn't know how to describe it. .

Absently, he glanced at her and seeing the expression on her face. .his grey eyes smouldered. .her breathing slowing down as his full attention fell on her . .

Oh hell. .she was losing control.

Hyperventilating, she blurted out.

"I-i like Medusa."

So close to her , his eyes roamed on her face.

"Yeah. .I like her too. Probably more than I should."

She had a feeling he wasn't talking about Medusa .

A loud horn broke the moment and both of them suddenly pulled apart as if they just woke up.

The next minute a very somber Logan backed out his car as a blushing Gloria tried to grappled the situation. .she looked out of the windshield. .

Well, it was her only escape to hide the heat from her face.

The car got on the road as Gloria let her locks fall over and shadow half of her face as if it would hide her heart yammering against her chest . .or her clammy hands.

Happily Ever After (Boys From Hell #2)Where stories live. Discover now