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That's such a weird caption "the why." But it suits . Buckle up. This is gonna be my sob story.

Not exactly sob.

But you get the gist 😁

So my OG followers know I had been writing some crappy / cringy fan fics in 2014. . I was a teen at that time hence the cringey fanfic crap. That's a little background for my new followers.

And now WHY I started to write just recently and took it seriously.

So one fine day *this is before writing The curious Case of Dennis * I was scrolling through Wattpad because I was craving a certain kind of story. You know when you just want to read about a tall dark handsome bad boy? Yeah I'm talking about that kind of craving.

So I thought hey teen-fic might have the story I want. The top five stories must be having what I want in a story . After all if a story is in the top five then it must have something to it right?

So I checked the top five stories and let's just say I was so disappointed. So freaking disappointed at all the top five stories because is this what the teenage nation is consuming?

Listen I know sex sells okay? I know it lust sells. 70% of the books floating around have lust and sex as the main concept.

Also let me say one thing .

While reading a scene in a book *that was on number 4* I read a sentence that just made me give up.

He gripped her chin and kissed her deeply


Yo? Where are the feelings at???? Why aren't you telling me how the girl is feeling when he kissed her? How the guy is feeling when he kissed her?

Where the feelings at , bruh?

I swear to God it's like "sexual innuendos" swipe "lust" swipe " sex" swipe "the end".

What the fuck have they made a bad boy turn into??

I won't say I mind lust, the slow burn is what gives me life but . . .not on every page.

All he does is sexually harass the girl by constantly talking about her body shape her breasts shape her ass shape. . . What the frack?

I get that hero always gets attracted to the heroine physically but must you alwaaaaaaays make the poor boy think about how to get in her pants?

Half the book is about the guy thinking about sex.

No. .that isn't how a bad boy is.

If you ask me what's your perception of a bad boy?

Then I'll bad boy is smart. He lits up cigarettes occasionally. He can't help himself but fall for the girl. He's messy. Rough around the edges. But deep down he's a good man. Just a little extraordinary for the ordinary world to understand. But he's good and he knows it. He doesn't need a certificate from people. He's lost in his own world and the girl just stumbles across his path getting his attention. Bit by bit he falls for her.

God. I really went in too deep didn't I? 😁

Love isn't all about sex and lust. It's just an extension of it. Sex is never the getaway to love. It isn't. If it was then people wouldn't get divorced or break up.

So many books treats virginity like a disease that should be gotten rid off. It's yours. It's okay to wait for the right one. It's okay to not wait for the right one. As I said it's yours but don't treat it like a disease because of the literature we have .

So I wanted a book. .a book that had passion , the right amount of angst and a bad boy who wasn't after a vagina. I always had Dennis's story in my heart , it was always there but I never dared writing it down because I wasn't sure about myself 😕 but then I thought. .I thought that if I want to read a story like Dennis's then there must be plenty of people out there who also want to read a story like that. Who are also tired of reading all the crap in teen fiction..

So that's how I wrote it down.

And now look I'm finished with the second one 😏

To be honest, I just want to. . repair the bad boy image. The most beautiful of stories I have read never had these kind of leeches as bad boys. No.

They were bad when need be.

They were good when need be.

They fought when need be.

And now . .it's really heartbreaking at how his image has been morphed into that of a guy who tries his best to be bad at everything 😔

I hope you're getting my point.

See I'm a hopeless romantic. No one can be more obsessed with bad boys than me. I don't do good guys. I LOVE bad boys 😥😥

Personally, I don't like it when the guy is being disrespectful towards a girl. Any girl. Even if she's the bitch of the story.

No man should ever go out and disrespect a girl because that's so not manly.

This is turning out to be a whole freaking chapter but I really wanted to go as deep as I could .

To be EXTREMELY brutally honest with you guys, I am writing these stories for MYSELF. I couldn't find what I wanted in a story. Couldn't find the kind of passion I wanted. Once again passion isn't about a few minutes under the sheets, it's deeper . Soul deep, you get my point? I never said sex isn't important in a storyline , it is buttttttttt, a big ass but, to build a whole relationship on sex? Oh no honey. Just no.

For debate sake let's say Sarah had sex with Jack and the sex was so hot both of them couldn't get enough of each Sarah met John and she had sex with him . Surprise surprise that sex was hotter than jack. .so what's Sarah going to do now? Leap from one man to another ? I mean are you kidding me ? You think you can judge who you love on sex? If you're a teen and due to the literature we have, you have these fantasies about love as sex... .no, sweets. It doesn't work that way and I wish it did so the world would be a happy place and no parents would be getting divorce from each other.

Also when I was a teen so I had this wild imaginations about oh if you have sex with someone that means you love him 😕


let me tell you something. Love isn't a pink teddy bear. It's give and take. Compromise. Being there for each other when you don't want to be. Loving each other a little bit more on hard days. Biting your tongue . Restraining yourself from hurting him / her when you're angry. Love is not a bed of roses but trust me it's worth it 💕 for that one guy it's damn worth it.

Enough of preaching.


I'm going to write another story and guess what I'm not sure about that too 😁 if I can manage a story like that or not?

But we shall see.

My head is bursting with ideas and its so hard to catch one so I'm gonna get my fishing net and catch one .

Till then. .


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